Kill or be killed

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I was escorted by Javier himself, to line up amongst the wife's and partners of other men at the event. I didn't go against any if it, I just enjoyed seeing Romano itching to snatch me in closer to him.

"Who shall we have first?" Javier said, placing his finger on his temple, "ah yes señora
Morgenthau, step forward"

Javier let out a hand, for Her to make her way through. Anya gave her husband a distasteful look, before rejecting Javier's gesture and walking forward on her own. She didn't look to excited to take part in this game, neither did her husband who was trembling.

"And let's also have señora Ramirez ",
Another women stepped out the crowd, making her way to stand by Anya. Both of them stood together looking equally competitive.

"Choose a weapon" Javier instructed, presenting them a table decorated with different types of defense.

I started to think, this game of his was nothing like I had in mind.

They both observed the table, thinking wisely before choosing. Anya picked up what looked like a small throwing knife, she flicked it around in her hand and sharpened it on the table.

The other lady was still making her decision, they were taking this very seriously. She finally made her choice and picked up a large rifle, loading it up in her hand. They both looked up at Javier and gave him a nod , signaling to him that they were now ready.

But ready for what? Was everyone's question.

"Now this is a game I created myself, called matar o morir", Javier laughed out  Psychotically, "kill or be killed".

Everyone looked a bit tense, but also as if a sick game like this was going to be expected. Romano's eyes darted across the room and hit me, he knew I was very much regretting teasing him before.

"last one to remaining wins" Javier smiled evily at them both, "empiecen"

Fires shot across the ballroom, angled towards Anya who tipped over the table to use it as a shield. She used the knife to rip off the lower layer of her dress, making it easier for her to fight.

This is all pretend, no one is actually going to die today, right?

Anya jumped around from the table, swinging her knife backwards toward the other competitor. She slightly missed, giving the other one the chance to kick her down to the floor.

Everyone else stood back, letting the both of them rip each other apart. Javier sat down cherishing the scene he had created, taking a sluggish and repulsive bite out of an apple he had handed to him on a tray. Anya's husband looked the most terrified out of them all, he looked like he was about to hurl any second now. And Romano didn't look the least bit bothered by the scenario which was exposed directly in front of him, his attention was focused on me as usual.

The lady Lunged her arm at Anya, then spun her around and hooked her down. Anya was struggling to breath, she was being suffocated with her arm. A gun was brought around and positioned right underneath her chin, making her look back up at the ceiling.

I couldn't look, I turned around trying to block out all my senses. I didn't hear anything but feel the sudden applause around me from the crowd.....she's dead.

I turned my head around forcefully, dreading to see Anya's lifeless body on the ground. But it wasn't her, it was the other women who had chosen the rifle. She had multiple stab wounds placed just below her stomach, her arm was uncomfortably twisted backwards.

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