A second chance

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It's been almost a month,

Since I gained my freedom to leave, reuniting with my so called normal life. Everything has been incredibly decent, nothing out of the ordinary has taken a turn. I'm relieved to be able to finish my last year of college, without any more disturbances. And even greater than that, is the fact I get to do it with my best friend.

Eva and I promised each other no more secrets, no matter what the consequence. It's such a comforting feeling to have her back in my life, being able to talk freely again. She hasn't completely gotten over the incident, as that day was probably the most traumatic experience she's ever had to go through. But we're getting there, keeping the past behind us.

Speaking of the past, Lorenzo hasn't stopped bugging me about going to Italy. Rita apparently works alongside him, therefore the reason to her formality at first. She has been trying to teach me these self defence tricks, that she lies are only for fun, when I know this has something to do with the Mafia. I'm not physically fit, so I failed most of the things she taught me, but the one skill I succeeded at was the one Ezra did with me.

They've both been so helpful towards my life, even though half the time I didn't know it. Lorenzo really wants me to go back, and learn a bit about my family and our Mafia, which apparently I'm supposed to take over at some point , which I told him was seriously insane. I told them that I want to get my life back on track before having the responsibility of taking care of others.

For example I've almost finished my first novel, which I had more time to continue once I left. Once I finish college I decided instead of going university, I'd go full time into writing my books. It's the career path I have dreamed about since I held my first pen.

I'm surprised to say Romano Kept his word, thousands of men weren't out looking for me after a week. He truly did move on, which I wish I could say the same about myself. Even when I don't want to, he's all that comes to mind. No matter the pain he's inflicted on my life, I keep letting my Barrier down. Forgiving him for things that I shouldn't, thinking about him in ways that I curse myself for. Eva tried hooking me up with a couple guys she knew, none of them got further with me than the 'talking stage'. When I walk out onto the streets, sometimes I'd look to my left and see him. I thought he was stalking me at first, but I was hallucinating cause nothings ever there.

Each morning I wake up and remind myself that i got lucky to have a second chance, to start a new.

So move on.


"I swear to God I'll never understand what's so special about Gracie" Eva whines, her hand clinging onto mine. "I mean look at her"

"I don't know E" I say, pulling her down the college halls.

This year I feel like the new kid, even though I did attend a few classes at the beginning. There are a couple people that I don't even recognize, the only familiar thing is the sweaty stench of unsanitary teenagers walking the halls.

"i bet you all of them have fucked her" she declares, staring down the group near the lockers.

I don't like Gracie, but Eva full on hates her. They were good friends in year 7 but when she got popular Gracie kinda ditched her to go off and be a slut. She's pretty know for having an Entourage following her pretty much everywhere and sleeping with a new guy every week. And somehow that makes her popular and Eva just despises it.

We sit down for lunch, at our usual spot in the canteen. It's the perfect place, not too crowded and not too isolated.

I take my revision notes out, as next lesson I have an exam. And with all the classes I've missed, I know the teachers assume I'll fail.

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