The Power she holds

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All three of them, fell face flat onto the floor, there blood splattered across the ground.

My men keep dying and my new recruits are absolute shit. I was so frustrated, everything was fucking falling apart.

I cracked my knuckles together as I watched over the last man standing, when I say standing I mean beaten to a pulp and barely alive.

"Listen, I don't have much of a Patience as you can see", I said, looking over at three of his dead friends.

"So I'll ask you once , why did they send you?"

I have suspicioun that these men were sent by the Italian mafia to spy on us , as they must of found word that i'v got a hold of her.

The man looked up at me, blood drooling down his bottom lip and his right eye had turned a dark purple.

"If you think I'd every betray my mafia your just plain stupid, I'd rather fucking die" the man spat, his strong accent rolling right off his tounge.

I gave him an innocent smile, before jamming my dagger into his left foot and shooting his other foot down with my shotgun. His agonising screams echoed across the training room, it almost sent a shiver down my spine.

Nah I'm kidding, it was hilarious.

"You will die" I admitted , "not quite yet, but I promise it to be very painful."

I signaled my men to take him out, he can rot in a cell for a couple days. I'll deprive him of food and water for a while, possibly untill his tounge feels like sandpaper and he feels like hurling from his insides. I will make him tell me what his intentions are, cause for all I know that one man could be carrying a threat behind him, in which could destroy hundreds of my people.


E 😏: she wants her phone???

Romano: it's in my second drawer, don't let her on it without supervision

E😏: what else is in your second draw

Romano: I'll block you.

I left Malia with Ezra for the day, I didn't want to bring her back here for a while untill she's calmed down a bit and In less pain you could say.

Ezra is probably the only person I could ever trust more than myself, the only man I've ever argued with and not ended up killing in the end. We've been through a lot together, I was there for him when he Lost his younger sister and he was there for me when I lost my mother. I have other family but we don't speak, so I only have him.


What the actual hell?

He texted Eva from my phone impersonating me , And this bitch fell for it. I tried to text her back to tell her it wasn't me, but i was blocked out.

"She's cute" Ezra smirked, peering over my shoulder, admiring Eva's very revealing profile picture.

I'v been locked inside with him all day, I'd like to admit I prefer him way more than Romano. I think he knows about what happened last night, but he didn't show it. He made me breakfast and brought me a bunch of new clothes to wear. He's been really sweet and caring, but I hate the fact that he's literally babysitting me.

I shoved him to the side and thew my phone onto the sofa.

"Ezra I need to meet her",

"No can do, your not allowed out the house, orders from the boss" he replied, throwing a chip in the air and catching it in his mouth.

"Ezra I beg you, she's my best friend" I pleaded.

He looked at me as if he was tempted to give in to my puppy dog eyes, debating in his head on what to do.

"She deserves to know the truth as to why her best friend won't be living with her anymore" i said, placing one hand onto his. "if I explain everything to her in person , there's a chance she'll except it."

I felt bad for lying to Ezra , but he surely can't believe I'd give up my old life to be someone's prisoner, not that I had much of a life anyway. I was planning on going to meet Eva and getting her to help me.

"Pretty please" I said batting my eyelashes,

"He'll kill me" he sighed.

Ezra and Romano seemed pretty close, there's an unlikely chance he'd kill him over a 'slut' like me.

Eventually he gave in to me and took me out to see her. She should be finishing college about now, so we went and parked outside the gates.

As soon as she walked out, I felt like tearing up at her sight. I ran after her , with Ezra following close behind. I strangled her with a hug and buried my head in her blonde blob of hair.

"Excuse me" she said , pulling me away from her. She looked at me, then came into realisation as to who I was. She looked me up and down as I must of looked a complete mess, I recognised the look of worry in her eyes.

"What happened?" she asked, wiping my tears away with her sleeve, "I thought you left me to go on that apprenticeship program for a week."

When the lie came out her mouth, I felt something heavy hit me inside.

"I promise I'll explain everything, let's just leave please" I whispered, tugging onto her shoulder.

Ezra came up behind me and placed a hand on me, before I got the chance to walk away.

There was a moment of silence between all of us before he opened his mouth to speak, "go to that café, I'll give you two some time" he smiled.

When we both went and sat down , Eva was still staring at Ezra who was standing outside like our bodyguard.

"So first your gonna tell me how you came across the hottie" Eva blushed, still staring at him in awe. I clicked my fingers in her face, snapping her out of her trance.

"sorry Im listening, now tell me what's going on?" She said, refocusing her attention onto me.

I didn't know where to start, or what to say.

I got kidnapped and I have to stay with this guy in his big ass house. Or like I was brought on a auction, at the very place that you litteraly warned me about. And there's this really handsome looking man whose part of a MAFIA . Oh yh and he gave me the spanking of a lifetime last night because I disobeyed his stupid rules.

"You can tell me, you know that?" She smiled , reassuring me.

I wanted to tell her so bad, I wanted to eat ice cream and cry about it with her. she would give me hugs and keep telling me that it's going to be ok. As much as I wanted too , I knew deep down I couldn't. I'd be bringing her into something that's dangerous and possibly a threat to her life, something I know nothing about.

It would be selfish off me to involve her in this.

"I just missed you, that's all" I lied,

She looked at me and punched me gently on my arm,"That's it?" She laughed, "I thought you were in big trouble or something"

I am

" of course I miss you more, im still mad at the fact that you couldn't tell me you were going to this apprenticeship thing in person, I was worried sick that night" she frowned, pretending to scold me.

Oh how I missed hearing her voice, it made me feel a sort of warmth now that I was near her.

But that warmth was only short lasting.

"Getting one of my closest friends to defy me Princess" a voice whispered onto my neck, "you really are something."

( Sorry for posting late, but I posted two chapters today<3)
(SMUT WARNING- next chapter)

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