Out of character

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He slings an arm over my shoulder and plants a small kiss onto my cheek. a sense of fear spread right through me, I hadn't been near him sense yesterday.

I look outside the café window to see Ezra mouthing the words 'sorry' to me.

"So you gonna introduce us or not" Eva asked, looking very confused.

Now what do I tell her?

"It's Romano", he introduces himself,

"Eva" she replies, still waiting for an answer from me.


"I'm her boyfriend" he smirks, interrupting my sentence.

I look at him to the side, and gave him a threatning glare. Which obviously had no effect on him ,he just glared back intensely. I know he was mad cause he clenched his jaw and it was obvious that he was forcing a smile onto his face.

"So did I miss a few chapters or something" she says, breaking off the tension between us.

I was trying to come up with something to say, but no words came out my mouth. And what was making it worse was that Romano still had his eyes glued onto me, he was probably thinking over all the ways he was going to punish me again. I was terrified that he would explode any minute now, and that the anger was building up inside him.

"She'll text you, we need to leave now" he responded quickly,

I don't want to leave.

"My best friend can speak for herself" she scowled back, she seemed suspicious of Romano. She was looking at him in all seriousness,staring into his soul.

I looked over at Romano then back at her.

"I'll call you and tell you everything , I promise" I answered nervously.

She looked uncertain, but then gave me a hug and giggled "I need to know everything, every single fucking small detail".

as soon as she left, I thought he would drag me out the café and slap me or shout at me ,instead we went back to his car and drove away.

the silence was deadly, it felt like a jump scare was about to happen any second now. It was just me and him in the car, as Ezra had to go back to the place where all there training mafia stuff happens.

He had a tight hold on the steering wheel, he was gripping on so hard , it was turning his knuckles white. I just wanted to jump out the moving car , even if I would have ended up with multiple server injuries ,I'd be further away from the ticking time bomb.

The car started to drive faster, I clutched onto the door handle to sustain myself.

"Please slow down"

He didn't listen, he increased the cars speed and just kept looking straight ahead.

"SLOW DOWN" I yelled, shielding my self with my arms.

He's not gonna punish me, he's gonna kill me instead.

He then suddenly swerves lanes, parking the car onto the side of the road. I was so glad I was wearing a seatbelt, if I wasn't I would have flown straight out the front.

I put my arms down and looked around, we were on an empty street.

"Did you not learn your lesson from yesterday" he snarled,

I put my head down, and stared at my fidgeting fingers.


He leaned over and unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbing the side of my hip and pulling me onto his lap.

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