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A bright light flashed into my eyes, as I struggled to familiarise the atmosphere around me. I was in a room, it had a different design compared to the one's at Romano's.


I jumped from the bed, almost tumbling down from the side. It was Lorenzo, he was stood there half shirtless, holding a glass of water in his hands. I looked away immediately, stopping my eyes from wandering down.

"Here" he said, handing me the glass.

"Where am I?"

I rubbed my eyes together, clearing my vision which was still a bit messed up. Lorenzo came and sat by the bed, making me back away from him.

"I brought you over to my house, your safe here?" He spoke calmly, placing the glass into my hands.

I took a sip of water, trying hard to rewind my memory on what happened yesterday.

"It's okay" Lorenzo hushed, resting his palm over mine.

I was still a bit unsteady and shaken up, the sounds of those gunshots still ringing in my head. The imagine of Anya's drained body, positioned towards her dead husband. That rotten smell, coming from all the smoke in the bullets.

"wait , where's Romano?" I thought to myself , "is he okay?".

The last I remembered of him, was him pushing me out the way to keep me safe. I truly believed he would've eventually given me over to Javier, as he never seemed to care or be bothered.

"And Romano?" I muttered,

"The man who carried you away?" Lorenzo asked, removing the glass from my hands.

I nodded back hesitantly, looking down at my fidgeting fingers.

"They were all still fighting when we left" he replied.

What if he's injured? Or what if he's dead?
I should be happy , cause then he's gone. If he didn't make it out alive, I'm free from his torment.

But what if he's actually dead?

As much as I wanted to feel free, there was a stinging feeling inside me. It was pressuring me and burning me from the insides. I needed to know if he was ok, if he's alive.

"I need to leave now" I said , hurrying off the bed. I was still wearing the dress from yesterday, and I looked a complete mess.

"I can tell your not used to this lifestyle" Lorenzo starts.

"Why's that?" I say ,slipping my swollen feet into my heels,

"I just do".

Well he's obviously right, I know nothing about the mess Romano got me into. I was forced into this lifestyle, not married or born into it. I know absolutely nothing about these different types of mafia's and rivalries.

"Why are you going back to him?" He asked, leaning his back against the door, "I mean I saw the way he treated you".

I forgot about the little show ,that him and I put out yesterday.

"Don't all married couples fight" I laughed nervously.

"But you two are'nt married" he smirked, snatching my hand into his.

We both looked down at my ringless finger in sync. I tried to pull away my hand ,yet he gripped on tight. Lorenzo glared at me, his eyes shooting arrows into mine.

"What we have isn't love" I sighed, ripping myself out of his hold, "or your concern".

I don't know what we have or why I even think to care about someone like him. As much as I keep telling myself to be relieved that he might be dead, I'm also dreading that he is.

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