Love chaos

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My head felt like a million spikes was being stabbed into it, all at one time. I was on a concrete floor, it was dirty, the rubble underneath was cutting through my skin. It wasn't completely dark, but enough for me to not be able to make out where I was. All of a sudden the lights are flicked on, correction, a light. One singular bulb hanging at the top of my head.

Two pairs of pointy black shoes, the exact same. Before the Déjàvu got a chance to catch up to me, I was pulled from the ground and slammed back onto a wall.

I look into his demonic eyes, the same ones I used to be fearful of. I kick him with my thigh, a distraction to fight free for my escape. But that plan fails immediately, as my hair is roughly being held onto by his claws.

"What the actual fuck Romano, get off me!" I scream, my throat burning red as I yell out till my last breath. He holds on tighter, flames fuming from his eyes. His eye's bore into mine, as I struggled to steady my breathing. "Your hurting me" ,my head was starting to throb, from how tightly he was holding onto the strands of my hair.

Finally he releases his grip, making me drop down onto the floor. But I didn't get to a chance to catch my breath, as his hand goes for my throat.

"Better?" He asks,

I fight against him, hitting him at every chance I get. He struggles to hold me still, as I attack him like a wild animal. Then out of nowhere He slaps me unbelievably hard, making me grasp onto my cheek to stop the pain. My eyes fling up at him, tears peaking through.

"You tried to kill him" he says, moving past the fact he just slapped me.

I don't speak,

"What game are you fucking playing at?" He grits through his teeth, bringing his gun out from his holder. It's directed towards my chest, but I'm still reliving the slap a couple hundred times in my head to notice.

"You started it" I say, as if we're children, arguing during playtime. If he hadn't come for Lorenzo, I wouldn't have been at the house in the first place.

"How am I the one to blame Malia, when your the one that came for Ezra?"

"I WAS NEVER GOING TO HURT EZRA!" I shout back, shoving him back with the palms of my hands, "WE WERE COMING FOR YOU!".
He drops his stance, coming into realisation of what I had said, at that moment so did I. That wasn't what I meant, I was never going to kill him, I could never do that.

"Well that makes it much better doesn't it?" He painfully laughs,

"That's not how I meant it".

He bites down on the insides of his cheeks, letting out a large sigh. I wanted to explain, but I was overwhelmed, I was mad, over a dozen emotions were swelling up inside me. We both stood opposite each other, now none of us speaking. Both of us trapping our emotions, not speaking any of it out. I move past him, ready to leave and avoid anymore drama. When he pulls me back by my upper arm, forcing me in to him, chest to chest.

"No Malia, you're not going to walk out" he says, his hand firm on my arm, "I blame you for everything, ruining us, ruining what we could of had. over what? Was that night just a trap? Did you think you could lure me in and then make me snap just like that".

I rip myself away, astonished at how he's managed to pin the blame on me.

"Me? Romano what are you fucking crazy?"

He's the one that ruined everything, he tricked me. How is he over here playing the victim, when he knows damn well he came after my mafia. He spoiled me, played his manipulative games on me. I let him touch me, imprint his filthy marks on my skin, once again. I have had enough, nothing will ever be normal. I thought that it was real, but of course it was all an illusion. He will always manipulate me into thinking I'm the one that's in the wrong.

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