Enemies and Allie's

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"Your not coming" Lorenzo says, as he reloads the gun in his hand.

"But this is what you fucking trained me for",

"No" he says, stopping to look up at me, "I trained you for self defence".

Bullshit, I've done nothing but work my ass off, physically hurting myself for self defence? I deserve to get to go with them this once, to at least experience what this is like for real.

"I want to go" I say, my tone sounding almost demanding, though my puppy eyes betray me.

"Your not ready",

Lorenzo packs in the rest of the bullets into the holes of his belt, getting ready to head out the door. I grab a blade of the desk beside me, swinging it towards him, He freezes as the blade sticks on the wall.


I give him a sturdy look, crossing my arms against my chest. I try not to seem too proud of actually aiming the blade right, it only took me about 1253 times to practice.

"Fine" he grits through his teeth, finally giving in to my powers of persuasion. I strut towards him, winking at him on my way out.

A couple months ago at Javier Fernandez's event, I killed a man. A man not with much importance, however he was part of the Russian man and they weren't pleased with what took place that night. They apparently feel humiliated to have lost one of their men, to a women.

They have aimed at me a couple times, but each time they've missed. Lorenzo finds it hard to keep me safe in England, when my whole safety base is in Italy.

The Russians keep getting closer every time they strike, therefore the reason it's our turn to take action. Lorenzo says we shouldn't kill for an unnecessary cause, only when it's needed.

And it's needed now,

I sit in the van, that was hidden behind the back of the hotel. "Find the room number" Lorenzo orders Rita through the radio, as I try not to fidget from excitement.

"Room 44 the master suite" ,her voice muffled back.

"Why would he stay in a hotel?" I questioned, as to how stupid it sounded. From what I know the Russian mafia boss is filthy rich and this place didn't seem like a place he'd be satisfied with.

"He lives in Russia, so when he comes to England this is where he stays" Lorenzo replies, looking over at the hotel. "He owns this dump".

"YOU BROUGHT MALIA!" I hear Rita shriek from the radio.

"She forced me" Lorenzo whispered, smirking back at me. I slightly shake my head at him, knowing full well he just couldn't say no to me in the end.

Lorenzo orders Rita and my men to stand outside the door, and to be ready at his command. But before they even got the chance to be put in position, a flame of orange shot out the building. The windows shattering into pieces, as a corner of the hotel was falling to the ground.

My eyes shot wide, as I lean over the front of the car. Lorenzo quickly calls out for Rita on the radio, but no response. He then looks back at me, who was nervously biting down on my lip. There was a moment of silence, as we both thought the worst

"Guys" I then hear,
Lorenzo fumbles with the radio in his hand, clumsily holding it close to his ear.


"Don't worry I didn't explode to pieces" she laughs, sounding quite out of breath. "But anyways now the bad news, they knew we were coming, cause they aren't here."

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