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After last night he just left me there in the room, after calling me a fucking slut . Me? the slut? like at least I'm not the one who has to pay to get some pussy.

It's been 6 hours since iv woken up, and I immediately searched the entire room for my phone, but it was gone. I probably have a billion texts and calls from Eva, if he doesn't kill me she will for not answering them fast enough. All the doors and windows are locked and even the vents in the ceiling, I mean someone's paranoid.

He left me a hoodie to wear as he had completely destroyed the clothes I was already wearing. The hoodie looked like it had been worn but not by him, probably by the other so called sluts he buys off auctions. I actually wonder, this house is fucking massive , how many different poor girls would I find if I opened each door?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was also  dying of boredom. He hasn't come back into the room since yesterday, It's not that I want him too, but I was becoming impatient.

"Get up!" He demanded

Curse my words.

He walked in with a black Armani suit on and gold chain around his neck, which accessorised his outfit.

"You know I don't like repeating myself",

I didn't want to obey him but I also didn't want to find out what would happen if i didn't . I scrambled of the bed and quickly pulled down the hoodie he had given me , I was still completely naked underneath.

He opened the cupboard that was in the room, and pulled out an fancy knee-length dress, He threw it onto the bed, with a couple other things in a bag.

"Put it on, I'll be waiting outside",

"Why?" I asked.

He bit on his lip and gave me an irritated stare, which was my warning.

"Put it on or I'll put it on for you" he said leaning towards me.

My eyes widened as I knew he wasn't joking ,I grabbed the clothes and walked over to the bathroom, stumbling like a complete idiot.

"Good girl" he praised ,

I could see a small smile at the corner of his lips as he exited the room.

When I was done , he took my wrist and guided me outside to his black Ferrari which was parked out front.

Romano started driving and I still had no clue of where we were going.

"where ar-" I started,

"my work" he interrupts,

I was actually very curious to know where this man gets all his money from ,so this should be interesting.

He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other placed on the side of my seat. I fidgeted uncomfortably in the corner, trying not to make any contact with him.

When the car stopped I looked around and all I saw were a bunch of restaurants, is he a chef?

I pressed down on the handle to open the door but it was locked, I looked back and he was looking at me intensely.

"Rule number one"

There are rules?

"When we go inside no questions untill we get to my office" he said resting his hand upon my thigh.

"2, don't talk to anyone unless I say you can"

I looked down at his hand which was going higher,

"And 3" he slid his hand Inbetween the top of my thigh as I clenched down on my dress, "don't leave my side under any circumstances."

All the thoughts of trying to escape today got flushed away, I just took a deep breathe in and nodded my head.

"UNDERSTAND!" He yelled clawing into my thigh,


"Y-h I me-an yes" I stuttered as I ripped his hand away,

"If any of these rules are to be broken, I won't think twice before bending you over and spanking you down countless times, untill your practically screaming at me to stop." He smirked.

It's official he's crazy, a complete psycho.

I picked up my jaw which had dropped to the floor, "so what happened to consent?" I said fluttering my eyelashes innocently.

His hands clenched together and that devilish smirk was wiped straight off his face, He scoffed and then practically dragged me out of the car.

When he carried me in, All the workers stopped what they were doing and greeted Romano, it was as if he was royalty. One of the waiters gave him a slight nod as he took me through to the back door.

We reached a pitch black room, Romano locked the doors behind us and went all silent. I started feeling unsteady cause I couldn't feel his grip around me anymore and I couldn't see. I waved my hands about trying to find something to grab onto but there was nothing. I could feel my chest getting heavier and my head feeling lighter.

A hand gripped onto my waist making me squeal in panic.

"Hey , hey it's me" he whispered, stroking my hair back to calm me down,

All of a sudden a bright light flashed on and Romano was standing next to me holding me close.

"Where'd you go" I asked, trying to get a hold of my breath again.

"you were the one that couldn't keep up", he frowned sarcastically ,

"Naughty girl already breaking rules" he teased , pinching onto my cheek making it go a bright pink.

This Bitch.

"BRO your so fucking late"

A man with curly black hair yelled, strolling towards us. He was about the same height as Romano and had his shirt opened wide, exposing his sweaty yet defined abs.

"By two minutes" Romano said rolling his eyes,

"And whose this beauty" the man said looking down at me, I didn't say a word as I remembered Romano's stupid rules. The man took my hand gently and bent over to kiss it, before he could do so Romano snatched away my wrist hiding it behind his back.

Why does have to grip on so tightly!?

"So she is the one, isn't she?" He said cocking his eyebrow, "your new Mafia queen".

I immediately choked on my own spit and snatched my hand away from his.


(Thank you for the idea on the first paragraph @calla2bri )

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