Look at me

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I've never felt this good before, both physically and mentally. Lorenzo's started taking risks with me, allowing me to put myself in danger at times. And I've taken some risks with him, and our unofficial thing we have going on.

I feel my physical strength has grown over the past couple months, and I'm not as weak as I used to be. I'm glad the training has really started to pay off, the marks on my body were supposedly worth it in the end.

However I still receive nightmares, I fear from the devil himself. Stains colour me with red, through the darkness of my eyes. Images of the deaths I caused, and the others I've caused pain too. I've only been able to murder twice, but that's enough for me to be eternally weighed down by my guilt.


I've been personally invited by Claire to Romano's 'humble abode', for an ominous yet professional reason, I haven't stepped foot in that house in months, or gone anywhere near it. Even though I should be taking caution as to why she of all people would want me there, my curiosity takes over, per usual.

As I entered, a sense of strangeness imploded through me, everything felt so different, yet somehow exactly the same. I wasn't burdened with accidentally bumping into Romano, instead I saw Claire, posing Infront of the grand staircase, which may I say was much worse.

There was surprisingly no small talk between us, or any bitchy banter, she got straight to the point.

"A dagger?" I scoff, my heels clicking after hers, "You called me over, to get you a fucking dagger".

"Your father's dagger to be precise",

I remember Lorenzo telling me about my father's weapon collection once, and I do recall a dagger. Though I'm not just going to hand it over to her, why should I? It's not like we're allies.


"What" she questions, as if me rejecting her, wasn't going to be expected.

"What makes you think I'll just hand it over to you, cause you asked me for it?"

She looks at me with a flame of red in her eyes, as if she's some queen we should all bow down too. I look her dead in the eye, not giving her the satisfaction of seeing any of my almost long gone weaknesses.

"Any weapon from my father's collection is priceless, passed down from our past generations" I smile, walking in closer to her, "For me to give it away to someone who isn't part of my Mafia, would be disrespectful"

Her eyes widen, as if that last part was unexpected.

"Your mafia?",

Technically I don't have much control over anything right now, but soon I will. I don't think I'm at all ready, I'm currently getting there, but on a whole I'm still inexperienced.

"My answer is no",

"I need a signature weapon" she jumped forward, her desperation flying out in her tone. "I don't really care who it belonged too".

I don't even have any of my father's weapons to be truthful, for me to get a hold on them, I'd have to ask Lorenzo who currently doesn't know my destination.

"Well I do care, so maybe go ask Romano for assistance, or anyone other than me".

She can't possibly think I'd hand her some favour, after everything her and Romano put me through. To her it may be small, but that was a whole year of my life gone, twisted and destroyed. And as much as I hate to admit it, I am a person that will hold a grudge for the longest time.

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