'I own you'

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I was dragged off the stage by two equally large men, I started screaming and crying but they didn't seem fazed by it.

"I'll call the fucking police" I screamed.

The two men dropped me to the ground Infront of a pair of pointy black shoe's, I turned my head up to see someone towering over me,


He knelt down so that he was at my level and lifted my head up with his finger, he turned my head side to side as if he was examining my features.

"I don't know what kind of sick fucking game this is, but I didn't sign up for it" I spat.

"who said this was a game?" He said as he curled a strand of my hair behind my ear,
"I just brought you in this auction, so you are now legally mine".

"How is this legal?",

"The contract that you signed says that you give full consent to be sold off" he said as he waved a piece of paper with my signature on it in my face.

"You forged my signature!",

This is crazy , what the fuck is this? I wasn't even meant to be here today and now I'm being sold off. Eva was fricking right this is some mafia , gang people bull shit.

"Listen I don't know anyone here , I'm just a girl who works at a club to earn for a living. I came here instead of someone else tonight, so I believe this is a huge misunderstanding" I panted, trying to stay as calm as possible.

"This is no mistake" he laughs.

Why is he laughing? He's acting as if this is all completely normal.

"You fucking physcho" I cry out before slapping him across the face.

His head tilts to the side, but his expression remains the same, his jaw tenses up and he clenches his fist's.

Then suddenly without warning I'm lifted off the ground and pinned against the wall, he has one hand placed on my hip and the other gripped onto my neck. He leans in closer so that we're only inches apart, his viscous gaze staring me up and down and licking his lips as he does so. I try to get out of his grasp but his grip suddenly tightens against my neck, I take a deep breath in and close my eyes.

"Look at me" he says in his deep husky voice,

I try to block it out and imagine myself not being in this situation, why can't I ever keep my mouth shut?

"LOOK AT ME!" He yells, causing me to flinch.

I slowly look up at him, he was staring down at me with this intimidating look in his eyes.

"Now princesa I tolerated this kind of attitude before , but not anymore"

I could feel my heart rate increasing by the second , any minute now I was going to collapse. I didn't have to look around the room to know that everyone's eyes were pinned onto us, making the situation 10x worse.

"You have to understand that from now on your life is going to be very different, you may not like the changes that are about to happen. But you see I brought you so that you could fulfill my needs and my needs only."

I think I'm about to throw up.

"if I need you to escort me somewhere, you will do it. if I need you to fulfill my sexual desires , you will do it."

Is he being serious?

"If you behave like a good little girl and obey me, there will be no need for me to punish you"

Punish me?

"Mr de'Martell the cars outside" a man said.

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked away from me, breaking the tension between us.

"I don't want anyone fucking following me" he demanded to all the men who were sorounding us, "my new play thing and I are gonna have some fun tonight, aren't we princess?".

When we came out of the Orlando Estate, I remained calm untill we walked out onto the crowded streets. i looked over to the other side of the road and there were two cops parked there, as soon as the traffic lights went green I made a run for it. But I was too slow cause he yanked onto my hair and shoved me into the back of the car.

I tried my best to scream over the cloth he had wrapped over my mouth, but it came out as a muffled sound. My hands were also tied together , leaving it impossible for me to get out of his hold. He dragged me into his home and carried me over his shoulder as he walked me down the empty hallways. I couldn't see anything clearly as my view was upsidedown, but it all looked very big and expensive.

There was a door at the end of the hallway, In which he shoved me inside and threw me onto the bed.

"Now stay still" he said as he walked towards me. I pushed back against the bed, aiming to crawl away from him. He just grabs onto my ankles pulling me closer, my legs were spread out and he was positioned in between them. I was still wearing that stupid dress , I wanted to cry, I can't believe it's going to happen again.

He hovers over me so that are chests are almost touching ,then removes the rag from my mouth finally letting me breathe.

"Please" I whisper , barely being able to speak as I was so out of breath.

"Please what?"

"Sir ,I j-u..st want to go home" I stuttered.

"Don't call me sir, it's Romano but you may call me master." He said with a devilish grin.

"No I will not call you fucking master, IV had enough of this, so if you d-don't let..t me-"

Shit why am I stuttering so much?

"You will what?"

I'll get Eva to beat the fucking shit out of you, and she won't stop untill shes broken your nose at least 10 fucking times. And then she will torture you in worse ways than you could possibly imagine, That's what I'll do.

But obviously I didn't say that , cause he'd probably just start laughing in my face.

"We can start over , you apologize and I'll forget about your disobedience" he offered, "and just so you know ,I don't normally do second chances."

Can't believe I'm entertaining this.

"Fine im sorry .....happy?"

"I'm sorry master....you mean" he adds,

No way I'm calling him master, I just layed there in silence , trying to prove my point that I won't go along with this.

His eyes suddenly shifted too a darkening stare, it was as if flames had erupted in his eyes and bullets were shooting right out of them.

"Fine you want to do this the hard way, let's do this the hard way."

(sensitive topic/scene warning next chapter )

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