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"Do you still love him?",

My eye's that were only a moment ago fixated on my dress, lifted to see the reflection of Lorenzo in my mirror. "I just want to know" he whispers , closing into me. His face presenting a pinkish flush, glazed down with the wetness of what I assumed could be tears.


"I love you" he whispers out of the blue. His hands go to cover my cheeks, holding me close within his reach. I was speechless, all I could focus on was the emotion, that screamed out through his eyes. "I don't sleep much" Lorenzo admits, a teary smile draped across his lips, "But when I do your all that I dream about". His hands held me tighter, as he couldn't contain the thoughts that were flying like fireworks in his head. "Your the only thing I want Malia, without you I'm nothing.".

I slowly pulled myself away, leading him to look deeper into my eyes. I wasn't good at rejection, mainly because I've never been in the position to do that.

Lorenzo's an amazing man, someone with all the right qualities. But this is all cause of Romano, he thought he saw something today that wasn't really there. I would love to be able to say those words back to Lorenzo, but I can't, cause otherwise I'd be lying. I admit there may be something between us, but I don't believe it's anything more than attraction.

"I don't know what to say" I nervously look away, my hands fiddling across the fabric of my dress.

"Say you feel the same way" he says, his hand wrapping itself around mine. "Please just tell me that you feel something for me."

I could almost feel myself about to break apart, wetness about to break through. I removed my hands from his, hoping it would make it easier for me to say.

"I wish I could tell you what you wanted to hear" I smiled anxiously, failing to give him what he desired. "I really do Lorenzo, but I ju-"


I don't want to hurt him, but I'm afraid I already have.

"I'm being ridiculous" he starts to laugh, tracing back some steps in my room. "Oh god I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me."

"No, no, there's nothing wrong with you"I reassure him, stepping towards him.

"I think I may have drank a bit earlier on" he smiled, leaning back onto the door. He didn't drink, he doesn't drink. He's making excuses for his feelings, which he should not have to do.

He smiles, not the same smile he'd give when he was happy, A smile that was hiding pain.

"If you don't want to go to Claire's event, we don't have to go" I say, knowing us going would cause him even more anguish. I didn't want to go in the first place, he's the one that kept insisting. I don't want to mention 'his' name, but I know it's all to do with 'him'.

"I'm fine" he says, tapping me lightly on my shoulder in a 'friend' like manner. He's not fine, but of course he'd never admit to it, I mean who would? I try to smile back, but it's hard to do knowing the one I'm receiving hasn't got a glimpse of happiness sparking it. "I promise".

Promises don't feel the same anymore, they feel meaningless.


I don't talk, dance, drink or do anything that I hope would bring me some sort of joy. Knowing that I hurt him, made me feel like I didn't deserve to feel anything again. I sat at a table, as people eyed me, In the same old way. I wanted to boast 'I didn't turn out to be a disappointment in the end, did I?', I achieved what others believed I couldn't, all thanks to Lorenzo.

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