5 am talks

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I clung onto his neck, swaying side to side as he made his best effort to pull me off of him.

"How do you still have so much energy" he groaned, ripping my hands away "it's like 5 am"

Im not sure, I just felt so alive. I couldn't stop myself from laughing every five minutes, whatever we took at that club was really hitting hard.

"sleep" He commanded, dropping me onto his bed and pulling the covers over to my neck. He came and layed down beside me, turning the other way round ,so that his back was now faced against me.

Random thoughts came flying into my head, so many questions about the world that I don't understand.

"Do you miss your mom?" I asked, staring up at the ceiling,

he didn't answer.

"I miss my parents and I haven't even met them".

When I was little I remember having to go to school everyday, it wasn't that bad I actually really liked it. I had to stay in a temporary home for a while before I moved in with Eva, it wasn't the most friendly home you could say.

Going to school helped me take my mind of things, it kept me distracted. But at the end of the day ,was usually when I used to get that ugly feeling in my stomach. Seeing other children being able to go hug there parents, being held in eachothers arms as they take in how much they had missed one and another.

I wanted that,

but I used to walk home alone, there wasn't anyone there waiting for me at the school gates. I wanted to be able to experience my mum kissing my hurts and telling me "you'll be alright", Or my Dad reading my favourite story and tucking me in and saying goodnight.

That's not me, I didn't get that.
But oh how I dreamed about it every single night.

Dreaming helped me forget that they're dead,

"They're dead",

Romano turned over again, pressing down on the bed. He looked to my side, with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

That passionate ,energising feeling inside of me was slowly fading away. It was being replaced with a draining belief, which was slowly weighing me down.

No stop Malia, don't be sad and ruin the feeling,


"you know I want to be a writer" I laughed, trying my best to change the subject.

Romano looked at me confused, as to how fast I switched up.

"I love writing, I want to write books"I smiled, rocking my head back and forth, "will you buy one of my books if I ever publish one?".

He probably thought I was going crazy, talking and laughing this much. I don't want to feel sad, i want to feel anything but that.

"Malia" he whispered in his deep husky voice,


He moves up closer to me, leaning one arm across my body. He lifts my chin up with his index finger , tucking a lose strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I'll buy every single one of them" he stated, an soft gleam in his eyes, reflecting onto my own.
I couldn't help but return a nervous smile in his favour.

Mabye he's just a bit high too.

"What do you want to be when you grown up" I asked like a child,

I couldn't keep to one topic, my brain just can't keep up with my mouth.

"do I not look grown up to you?" he asks sarcastically , raising his eyebrow,

"I mean what did you want to be, before you joined the mafia?".

He looked around, he was thinking about it hard. I wonder what he would be ? I can't imagine him having a normal job, it just doesn't cross my mind.

"Well i was born into the Mafia so I couldn't really be anything else" he answered back, avoiding the question.

"Just tell me",

"A Cook", he replied back, with a straight face,


"really a cook?"

"Is that so hard to believe?" he scoffed, resting his head down just above mine, "I'm actually really good at cooking".


"you don't believe me?",

That might actually be why his training space is based behind a restaurant, to make the disguise a bit more realistic.

Wow I'm so smart.

"you'll have to prove it" I challenged, lifting my head up to his. I giggled silently as I moved my lips in closer, his breath hitched as I brought my mouth in more.

"And you......have to sleep" he said, putting his hand over my face and then slamming it down onto the pillow.

(This was very short ,I wanted to separate this chapter a bit if that makes sense. Also sorry for my late updates xx)

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