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My fingers wrapped harshly on her neck, as she smiled through the pain. I bashed her head back against the table, but she wasn't effected, she seemed amused by the force I used.

"Are you done" she coughed, her face blowing up into a bright red.

I let her go, making her head fall back. I think my fingers hurt more than what I was actually aiming to cause pain too.

"Don't be so mad" she teased, breathing her hot breath heavily down onto my neck. "Is this cause I ruined all your fun?".

She backed away from me, then sat herself up on the kitchen counter, making herself comfortable. I got myself a glass of water, facing my back towards her.

It irritates me to know she's here, she rarely ever gets involved in my business, so why this?

Claire has a family house in the city, that's where she spends most of her time. She 'controls' the Mafia from behind a screen, as I live here and do most the work in person. Whenever she comes over, she puts me below her. She believes she has some sort of power, but really it's just an illusion. I have it all, she just acts like she does.

Our marriage was always an alliance, However there were a couple times it got intimate between us. Those times were meaningless, though she ridiculously believes it might have been something more.

"I could have told her myself" I said, my hands clasping onto both sides of the sink.

"but why?"

My eyes wandered off to the knife, placed inside the holder. I was more than tempted, to stick it right through her.

"Have you developed feelings for your so called target" she laughed, her nails tapping down on the counter. "Hmm?"

I turned around ready to walk out, when she slips of the counter blocking my path. She has this devilish grin on her face, her red shade of lipstick making her look psychotic when she smiled.

"You didn't answer my question",

"I haven't" I mutter, moving around her.

She snickers to herself, before whispering something under her breath, "If only I believed you".

"What's that supposed to mean?",

"All this trouble you have gotten us into, just for this stupid girl" she frowns, her forehead drawing lines of frustration. "Do you think I didn't catch word of you pissing of Javier, Or the fact you fucking sent out people to look for her. What's so special about her Romano? For you to abandon everything your father had worked so hard for."

"Don't speak about my father" I spat, towering above. "Malia has got nothing to do with the fucking Mafia."

Her eyebrows raise, as her expression switches up into a lighter mood. She clearly knows something I don't , as I noticed the sly smirk she revealed.

"Now let's not be quick to judge" she smiles, her lashes fluttering at me seductively. She waits a moment, wanting me to be desperate enough for this untold secret.

"You remember Lorenzo Salvatore?",

"Who?" I ask,

"The man from the ball, the one who danced with Malia. She started, her voice pulling me in. "I mean how could you possibly notice him, when you practically dragged that poor girl away".

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