Men will always deceive

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"What are you doing?" I asked, my eyes still readjusting to the light. It was too early to be awake, too early to worry about the fact I had slept over.

I didn't think I'd stay over after last night, but my body was so worn out from previous activities, there was no way I would have made it down the hallway. Romano offered to carry me home, but I'm sure Lorenzo wouldn't have questioned that whatsoever.

"I'm sorry" Romano apologies, as I slide off from the side of the bed. I hold the ends of his shirt he had lent me together, walking up behind him. "I didn't mean to wake you". He places a gentle kiss down onto my collar bone, wrapping his arms around my waist.

He looks back out the window, continuing his time at being lost in his own thoughts. As he does that, I gaze up at him, persuading myself that I have the power of being able to read his mind.

I wish we could stay like this forever, when we're like this it feels like nothing in the world could break us apart. Our power's individually being so strong, but when we ignite it's like electricity sparks us like fireworks.

I trace tiny shapes onto his revealed body, watching as he tried his best not to smile at my touch. My hands explored his structure, and when doing so, discovered something that wasn't there before.

I run my fingers across his bare chest, lining over these foreign words. "You never had this before" I state, looking back up at him, his eyes go to my hands and what they were rested on.

"it's a new one" he says, smiling at how I noticed.

"What does it say?",

He takes a moment, almost acting as if he didn't know what his own tattoo meant.

"Printesa mea".

I remember the day he taught me this so clearly, as if it was just yesterday.

"You tattooed apprentice onto you're chest?" I questioned, He laughed in his husky voice, holding me closer in his arms. I didn't understand what was so funny, I was being mushed into his chest. leaning in, still confused with my unanswered question.

"I don't get it?",

His hands cup my face, as he saviours a kiss on my lips. No matter how many times he'd kiss me, it would always feel as magical as the last. The fluttery feeling in my stomach, then turning into a tight knot, it was as if I was a 15 year old teen again, fauning over her highschool Crush.

"My princess" Romano whispers, his finger moving a loose strand of hair from my face. "That's what it says".

My eyes enlarge as I realize what he had just said. I slide my fingers over his chest again, focusing harder on the foreign language. He sucks in a breath, flinching at my touch.

"my heart belongs to you", his fingers link with mine, resting back against it. A feeling of tight air wraps around my insides, making me jolt from nervousness. I loved it, I gazed down at it again, amazed at how beautiful it was.  "Do you like it?"

"Are you crazy" I almost yell, pushing him away with one hand. "Romano I fucking love it". I try jumping to his height, to wrap my arms around his neck, he gives me a slight boost by holding me up by my waist. "I love it so much, I love it".

"I love you",

My lips brighten, everything about me does, just in those few seconds he said those three words. Those three words that have never meant so much to me up till now. I never believed I'd fall in love, especially for him. Love is a powerful thing, a dangerous weapon, and to have it now makes my mind go all blurry, I don't know whether I'm more scared or excited.

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