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I don't know if I'll ever get used to the feeling, being sunken by utter despair. I was gullible to believe my life couldn't get any worse, but time and time again I seem to prove myself wrong.

I hate him,

I've never hated someone as much as him, he's the reason I'm constantly being dragged down into this cold place. I wish I could turn back time, to when I wasn't the happiest, however I didn't feel fully dead inside.

Everything we shared, the way I opened up to him, I've never regretted something so deeply. I want to take back the times we spent, the way we didn't hate each other completely. I was a delusional fool to think what we had could and might have been something more.

To believe he did this to me cause of his mother's death, How can he take his anger out on me for something my parents did wrong? I don't even know them, just as Lorenzo said. However I get the feeling as time passes, I'll come to be burdened by all the mistakes they have made.

And Claire, to think her hearts dark enough to do something as cruel as this. It's all fun and games for them, yet they don't feel sympathy for there actions that have turned my life into a wreck.

I'm so tired.

I stare at myself in the mirror, looking at this person that almost looks familiar. Maybe it's cause my hair has grown out, or the fact that my skin looks flushed. I feel different, the changes are getting to me.

From the mirror I get startled, by the imagine walking behind me. Her hair twirled down on her shoulders, her lips a swollen red. I face her, snapping myself out of my thoughts.

I've been avoiding everyone in this suffocating house, for the past week. Ezra comes by when he pleases, knocking at my door to see how I am. Though I can't bare to face any of them, Im afraid the tears tucked beneath my eye's would escape.

I moved past Claire, not interested in knowing why she was in my room. She grabbed onto my wrist, pulling me backwards. I yanked my hand away, staring her up and down with annoyance.

"Malia honey" she speaks softly, her arms crossing against her chest. "Don't be rude".

She walks around my room, her legs following one after the other, Her eyes examine each and every detail. However there wasn't much to see, as I didn't really bother to design the room of the house I was being held in.

"Rather plain don't you think?" She suggests,

"Well I never really got the time to decorate the room from the start, when I was being held as a prisoner and all",

"But you had time for other things I'm sure" she smirks, the outline of her lips creating a sharp edge.

I wasn't entirely sure what she was hinting, though I had a disturbing idea what it was, as the heat from those nights with Romano gave me an intense flashback.

"I remember you differently" I start, remembering back to the days I used to work at the club.

"Well of course you will" she laughs, the sound of it making me cringe, "that was all an act"

It feels hardly real, for something like that to be true. And you'd have to be an amazing actress, which obviously she seems to be, for all the wrong reasons.

"Don't be so offended by what I had to do, it wasn't personal.... for me at least. You've got to understand that Romano has a special love for his mother, it killed him inside the day she past."

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