The women on the wall

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He pulled me into a kiss, curving his arm around my waist. I pushed my hands against him, trying to move him away. He tightens his arm around me, deepening are kiss.

"Your driving me crazy, you know that?" He mutters, taking a break from our kiss.

"I can't d-"

The break wasn't long, he smashed his lips against mine again. I could feel his tounge forcing itself into my mouth, suffocating me whole.

He went for the back of my dress, unzipping it and pulling it from my hips. The way his hand tiptoed across my back, made me shift towards him even more. The way he makes me feel , I can't explain it.

I can't do this.

I push him away harder this time, falling back onto the door.

"I don't want to do this"

"Bullshit" he smirks, leaning onto the sink, he stayed silent for a moment as my eyes met his.

"I don't" I stated, covering my body up with the dress he had just taken off.

"Are you sure princess?"

I didn't want to look away from him, cause then he'd think I was hesitating in my speech. But it was hard looking into his eyes, the intense contact he gave me.

"Yes really", I spoke out almost confidently this time .

"You see" he smirked , walking in closer to me. "it sounds like your trying to convince yourself, not me".

"Well I'm not" I yelled out of frustration, almost dropping my dress.

The way how he was so entertained by me, really got on my nerves. He didn't care, he just acts unbothered and seductive.

"Did you forget you belong to me princess?"

He reminds me all the time, and I respond with the same thing each time.

"Keep telling yourself that" I smiled sarcastically.

He chuckled, kissing his teeth in the process. It wasn't a joyous laugh, it was an "I'm furious" sort of one.

He grabbed onto my throat, choking me down.
I held my hand above his, pulling at him to let me go. He forcibly pushed his lips against mine, biting down on my bottom lip making it bleed.

He let go of me, Letting me fall down to the floor ,I struggled to regain my breath.

He took a few minutes to himself, thinking about whatever that messed up head of his thinks about. Then Crouched down below and neatened up my hair, which was now all over the place.

"Get out" he demanded, with a dead straight face.

Get out?

I looked up at him blankly, suprised by what he just said

"Get the fuck out",

He wanted me to leave?

He opened his mouth to probably repeat the same thing, just to say it a bit louder this time. Before he could do that, I walked out taking my dress along with me.

From outside of the door, I heard him turn the shower on. It was bad of me to think, but why did I want him to make me stay?

Afterwards he sent me home with one of his men, which was very unlike him. He'd normally send me with Ezra or just take me himself, he didn't trust anyone else. He said he was busy and had work to catch up on, I didn't question any of it. I think he was mad at me, but why? I should be mad at him.

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