Our forbidden Past

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I watched over him, as he slowly drifted off. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep, so relaxed. I gently let my fingers run through the strands of his hair, combing it away from his face. I wish he could be In this state more often, then I wouldn't have to deal with his constant arrogance towards me.

"Are you watching me sleep" he groaned , snapping me out of my trance.



"are you sure?" He smirked, slightly opening one of his eyes "cause it looks like you've got a little drool on your chin".

I quickly turned my head around, wiping away the 'drool' on my face. Romano bursted into laughter, watching me struggle to wash away my embarrassment.

"It's not funny",

"yeah its not" he grinned, slowly getting up from his bed, "it's cute".

I watched him closely as he went to grab a shirt, even though I'd much rather him without it. His back was so attractive, and his muscles had to have been hand carved by a God. It's hard to make yourself hate someone, when they look like this.

"So your just going to keep staring?" He questioned, his back facing me.

He always has to call me out, making me feel embarrassed.

I actually do question how his 'wife', dealt with his attitude and possessiveness . Maybe they weren't even married and she was held captive too. He could still be in love with her, not that it even mattered to me.

I wanted to ask him, but I was afraid he'd get mad at me for knowing. He'd kill the person who told me, but she's already dead so he can't really do much.

(Rest in peace Anya)

"What's going on in that curious mind of yours" he asked, his arms looping through his sleeves.

I straightened myself up, thinking it would give me a bit more courage to ask.

"do you have a wife?".

But that didn't work, cause I felt a dying heat run down my spine as soon as those words slid out my mouth.


Maybe there was a chance he didn't hear me. I looked out the window, acting oblivious as to what I had just said.

"Malia I'm not fucking stupid" He said, freezing in his place.

I lifted my eyes up to his gaze, as his connected with mine. He didn't seem mad, which was fortunate for me.

"I 𝗵𝗮𝗱 a wife" he spoke, correcting me. "We're no longer together".

"Yet she still works for you?"

His mouth slightly parted, exposing an cunning  smirk lifting up from the side.


I didn't know what to say next, I wanted to know more about her. But then he'd think I care, and I obviously don't.

"Is that all my love?" He asked,

As much as I hated being this curious, I needed answers.

"Why i-",

"Why is she still here?" he interrupted , finishing my sentence.

He was amused at the fact he could recognise a sudden glimpse of jealousy. I couldn't help it, thinking of the fact that he's been like this with someone other than me.

"We married as an alliance" He stated, buttoning up his shirt from the bottom,"when my Dad got sick, he thought I would need some help if he were to pass."

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