Mine and only mine

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The lifeless body, dropped straight to the floor. the redness of his blood, leaking across the ground. The Club was filled with excruciating screams and cries of panic. Everyone ran towards the door, heaving past eachother to get to the exit.

Everything was a blur, but I could slowly make out the shadow of a dark figure coming towards me,

I rubbed my eyes together with my hands, looking straight ahead to see Romano, now standing right in front of my face.

"How did you walk over so fast?" I asked dumbfounded, staring back too the place he was only just standing at a second ago.

He grabbed my jaw, pulling it closer to his face. He turned it side to side, looking for God knows what.

"Is he dead?" I asked, forcing my head back to him

"What do you think?",

He looked mad, like steam was flowing out of his ears mad. I couldn't help but laugh, why was I laughing?

I was seeing three versions of him, I didn't know which one too look at.

"I don't know you tell me?" I giggled, pushing myself onto him, he gripped both my arms and then slammed me onto the table behind.

I should be scared, but I didn't feel like it.

"princess" he gritted through his teeth,

"Yes Master",

Romano bowed his head down , it looked as if he was trying to control himself from lashing out on me.

"Is she drunk?" Ezra laughed, sitting himself down next to Eva.

"Shut up" Romano growled back,

I guess Ezra got himself back onto Romano's naughty list, that's my fault.


"What the fuck are you wearing?" Romano hissed, only just noticing the dress.

I leaned off the table, and gave him a little spin around the dance floor.

"You like it?",

Ezra let out a little laugh, then smacked his mouth shut with his palm as soon as Romano gave him that deadly stare.

"I'll take this one home then" he said quickly pointing down to Eva, he picked her up in her arms, as she drooled onto his shirt.

"Be carefulll that's myyy best friendddd" I said, dragging my words.


She thinks she's cute, standing there in her little slutty dress. The dress went way above her knees, almost revealing her ass. I couldn't tell if she was more drunk or high, but she wasn't herself.

I give her a chance, I told her to go ahead and go back to college. I even let her go back to work, this is how she repays me. She's taking me lightly, she thinks I'm soft. she thinks she's finding a side to me, which isn't there. She wants to believe I can be someone else, someone better.

"Why do you always fuck things up for yourself" I said, eyeing her up and down.

She gave me a slight smile, before sliding closer. She slipped her hand around my neck, twisting the tie I had on with her other.

"I thought you liked when I fucked things up?"

Malia pulled the tie down roughly, so that I was now at her reach, I was shocked by her sudden change of behaviour.

"You like being controlling" She whispered, leaning in close to my ear "you want to punish me ,don't you?".

I bit down on my lip, narrowing my eyes away from her. Her strong flowery scent, blocked out all my other senses. Her breath was hitting the side of my neck, sending a tingly sensation to spread out through me.

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