Swimming in the red river

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It was Rita , Scar and I. All three of us stood by the basements entrance, waiting for the rest of the guys to load the weapons out of the car and hack the main camera system. I annoyingly bit down on my nails, the nerves hitting me like nails being dug down onto my skin.

"Stop that" Rita mutters, leaning over to me. "They're watching, remember who you are, you can't be the reason for a mistake." I look to my left to see Scar, eyeing me up and down, listening into our conversation.

"I get it",

Romano only has 5 bodyguards around the house, his whole army is back at his base. If I remember correctly, 2 at the front entrance, one on the east wing and another on the west. The last bodyguard, was mine, when I was in the house, he'd discreetly be looking over me. With the 12 of us here, half of us being highly trained in our specialty, excluding me, I believe we have a chance at staying alive.

"Grant" I called out from the Mike,

"Yes Ms",

"Have you hacked the system yet?"

There was silence between our connection for a solid minute.


"We haven't been able to get through with the system, it's more complicated that we thought.",

"So you lot were judging me the entire time I was explaining our route, when you can't even put down the fucking system" I laugh, hearing  irritated mumbles through the radio. Rita shot me a glare, if she thought I was being immature now, she'd be stunned to see when I really am.

We wait a couple more minutes, hiding out at the back of the basement. They were scared at the fact someone might come out here, if someone came we'd all be shot dead.

"Got it" One of them called through, shutting down all cameras on the inside. That made it easier for us, so the moment we go inside we can roam freely,

I was told he deceived me, that it was all a lie. The more that I think about it, it actually made sense. He told me he loved me, it was all to good to be true. If he's going to put his mafia before all else, then I'll do the same. He's not going to attempt to kill someone from my mafia and get away with it. He must still think I'm weak, that after last night I wouldn't be able to get him back, but I'll prove him wrong.

I open the key pad, pressing the code down onto it. I take a pause before pressing down the last digit, I needed to make something clear.

"We're not going to kill him" I say,

"What?!" Rita whispers, sounding all aggressive. She puts down her gun and moves closer to me and away from the boys. "That wasn't the plan".

"we're going to try take him hostage" I speak louder, so the rest of them can hear. Rita frowns, annoyed that I was ignoring her words. "You and you" I point, "your going to carry him out." Two of the larger men that I picked out, nod their heads in agreement.

"This isn't what Lorenzo wanted" Rita hisses,

"I want to speak to him, I want to hear the truth come from him and him only" I state, staring back at her with the dominance that was starting to overpower me. "Then we decide what happens with him".

"we're talking about taking one of the most well known Mafia leaders in the world down, do you understand what kind of shit that could get us in?",

"Robert" I call forward, a scrawny looking little fella on the team. He pulls forward a little tube from a briefcase, presenting it to me in his hand. "We won't have to do that much heavy lifting, just need to place this inside him and then well he's a sleep". It's this little thing in a needle Robert set up for me, not at all harmful, but will have you sleeping like a baby.

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