You'll be begging

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Romano used one hand to muffle my mouth, which muted out my screams. He used the other hand to tie me down to the bed post, my hands raised above my head. I used all of the body strength that was left in me, too try and get out of the chains. But he then tightened them even more making them bruise my fragile skin.

"I want you to know what it will feel like, everytime you decide you want to disobey your new master" he whispered seductively.

He leaned back up and got of the bed, walking backwards into the wall. He started to unbutton his shirt, not once breaking eye contact with me. He unbuckled his belt and hooped it together, putting it through his hand.

"We're going to play a little game" he murmers, his eyes trailing down my body. "Everytime you make a sound I'll tighten the belt."

"I don't understand?"

He came over me again and this time wrapped the belt around my neck.

"Do you understand now princess?" He taunted , planting a small kiss on the side of my neck. His hot breath sending shivers down my spine ,making me accidentally moan out loud.

Please tell me I did that in my head,

"I see you might enjoy this more than I will" he smirked.

And without warning he tore off the front of my dress along with my lingerie, fully revealing my exposed body. I felt so uncomfortable, my hands were locked above, preventing me from covering up.

"What the fuck" I yelled out,

Romano then proceeded to graze his fingers across the top of my chin, tilting it upwards so that I was looking directly at him. I tried to gulp but it wouldn't go down, it was stuck in my throat.

"Safe word" He demanded

"I'll tell you the same thing that I told you before , I'm not playing this messed up game of yours" I spat out.

"Are you testing me?"

Yes I was, I don't know why cause he could be a killer for all I know and I'm out here just running my mouth. I could feel my body starting to heat up and he could probably sense the fear that was growing in my eyes.

"Don't make me repeat myself" he growled, moving his hand down from my chin to my thigh.


Shit he's counting down,


I'm slow, my brain can't process this fast.


"Dress" I blurt out , it's the first thing that came to my mind, that beautiful dress that is now shredded to pieces.

A subtle grin plastered his lips as he must of thought my word was stupid.

"Cute" he whispers, but so quiet as if it was only meant for himself to hear.

He started kissing the side of my neck again ,making his way down to my stomach.

"Don't" I begged, yet he continued.

He starting kissing in between my thighs, making my body want to explode. I closed my mouth, trying my best to contain any sort of sound.

"Bad girl" he said as he tugged harshly on the belt.

I screamed out in pain, trying my best not to cry but I could'nt hold it in, a tear dribbled down the side of my cheek.

he shook his head, giving me a disappointed expression And then loosened the belt a bit to give me a bit of air space.

"The punishment hasn't even begun yet and your already crying"

I scrunched up my eyebrows, trying to stop anymore tears from coming down.

"you're weaker than I thought" he said," but no need to worry, by the time I'm done with you, you won't even be able to feel pain at all."

He took his hands away from my thighs and set my wrists and neck free.

This wasn't at all what I was expecting.

"Your not going to r-a..p-pe m-e?" I stuttered

His expression dropped slightly and he raised his eyebrows as if he was somehow offended by my comment. He took a deep breath in and placed his hand on my jaw holding it with a powerful force.

"I won't do anything like that to you unless I have your consent" , he gripped on tighter, it was as if his aim was to break it. "And I will, because when I'm done with you, you will be begging me to fuck you."

There was a moment of awkward silence between us before I rolled my eyes back, amused by His hysterical statement.

"Just like that love, that's exactly what you'll be doing when im 6 inches deep" he smirked.

I parted my lips In complete shock as he continued to admire me from above , looking at me with his eyes filled with firey lust.

"You think I'll ever want you?" I questioned sarcastically.

"Is that a challenge princess.....Because in fact you will be begging for me, down on both knees"

"Is that so?" I mocked him, trying to mimick his tone.

And I immediately regretted doing that as the next thing I knew was that he had pushed his finger into my clit, holding it there waiting for my reaction.

I gasped outloud.

I held onto his hand trying to remove him, but he pushed in deeper, causing me to throw my head back into the feeling of pleasure. I couldn't see his face but I could already tell he was satisfied by my bodies reaction. His hot touch was lingering below, i couldn't control it.

"Enough" I spit out,

"Hush" he says as he puts his other finger onto my lip

He starts moving his fingers in deeper, slowly thrusting them in and out. he watches me closely , focusing on every slight reaction that I make. He's going faster now , pounding his fingers into me, why was I getting turned on? I couldn't help it, It hurt so bad but it also felt so good.

I flung my head forward digging my fingers into his back as he continued to move in and out of me. It was coming and I needed a release and before I could do so he pulled out his fingers. I opened my eyes and groaned in frustration, as he looked at me with an amused look on his face.

"You really are just anouther slut aren't you?"

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