My Property

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(Since you guys wanted a smut warning<3!)



I didn't get a chance to kill the bitch, when I do I promised myself I'd do worse to him than I did his men. But I don't have to worry about that for now, as after that stunt he pulled he's going to have a lot of enemies on his back.

He comes from a powerful family ,supposably giving him that equal amount of power. But Javier is also a very stupid man, who doesn't know how to use what he has to a leverage.

Sure he has all that and money, but so do I. It makes me laugh at the fact he thought I'd be okay with him laying a finger on my girl. He's lucky he only lost his fingers that night.


Every 6 months or so I take in a bunch of teenagers , to build up and train. most of them are useless and weak, but their are that rare few that have a small chance. They are brought up by their parents , to one day in the future join the Mafia. I was taught young too, it was my biggest gift and curse.

"Let Malia take over" Ezra said , brushing off the sweat from his forehead.


"I need to be somewhere" Ezra mumbled.

If Ezra says he needs to be somewhere, it's to do with a girl. The only time it wasn't, was that one time he needed to go and watch this marvel movie, to see if "Tony Stark?" died. And he missed the next day of work, cause he was having an emotional breakdown about it.

He's still a child at heart.

"I may be your friend" I grinned , patting him lightly on the back, "but you do work for me".

I enjoy reminding him that I'm his boss, Him on the other hand, hates it.

"It's just a couple hours" he groaned, already walking backwards to the doorway, "I'm sure Malia can help you handle a bunch of kids".

I looked over at her, who was tying back some girls hair. A girl whose supposed to be out there doing the exercises , not being coddled by her. I pointed my finger at her, signalling her to come towards me.

"what?" She asked

Her gaze looking up at me, as she rubbed her neck down innocently. It made me jealous , the way how her fingers curled around it. The exact position where as my hands desperately craved to be.

"your going to assist me" I said, putting on a forced smile.

She gaved me a confused expression, then switched her gaze to the kids who were familiarising themselves with the weapons I had set out.

"Help you push around little children for the day?"

I guess that's one way of putting it.

"No thank you" she declined , scrunching up her nose.

She turned back to walk away to where she was sitting, but before she could make her first step I grabbed the back of her neck forcing herself back to me.

"I wasn't asking".

I banged down my hand onto the table, turning everyone's attention onto me. The kids stood in a lined formation, each of them trying there best to hide their fear.

"Today I'll teach you how to fight using these" I said, picking up a knife.

I twirled it around my fingers, showing off just a bit. They all stared at the trick in awe, determined to have a go.

My PropertyWhere stories live. Discover now