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"I thought you said this would have nothing to do with the Mafia?"

"It does, but it also doesn't" he half replied, watching me adore the dress I was fitting on,
"It's a civilized get together".

"So a meeting", I guessed, straightening out the cripples in my dress.

"A ball",

he's taking me to a ball?

I mean he wouldn't make me wear a dress as exquisite as this to some meeting, so that suggestion was stupid.

The outfit I was wearing was perfectly fitted, meaning he had this prepared for a while. I didn't much like the colour, but it lined perfectly over my shoulders, graciously revealing my collar bone. It had a slit running down my right leg, which also flared out around the dress.


Just as I was about to back away from my reflection, he appeared Infront of the mirror

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Just as I was about to back away from my reflection, he appeared Infront of the mirror.

Romano kneeled down in front of me, tracing the slit up my leg to the side. He got out a little belt, and slipped it over my thigh. His touch made me flinch, the tips of his nails slightly pricking me whilst he fit a small dagger inside.

"Just precaution" he muttered, tightening it even more, I pulled my leg back from the small pinch I felt.

"If anything happens when I'm not close, use it",

Why would I need something for self defense , if this was civilized?

I gave him a uncertain nod, as he stood up to reach my height again.

Romano was also wearing a fitted outfit, a bold black suit. It wrapped around his arms perfectly, flexing his muscles. And his hair was combed back neatly, I had this annoying urge to ruffle it all up.

He moved his contact from my eyes to my hair. He twists a strand of it from my ponytail, bringing it down to my shoulders.

"I don't like your hair like that, take it out" he demanded,

"But Did I ask if you liked it?",

"No but your going to listen" he snapped back, to my witty comment.

I know he despises it when I stand my ground, but that's exactly why I love it. It's satisfying, knowing I have that small reach that can make him feel overpowered. I hardly ever stick up for myself when it comes to him, but when I do the feeling is indescribable.

"Take it out" he ordered again, more firmly this time.

I stood my ground, not moving an inch. I hate it when he's all demanding, it makes me feel like a child, it makes me feel less. I wanted him to know I'm not the same person he carried in that day he kidnapped me. I won't just sit there all usless, and obey his every word.

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