Heir to the throne

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"What the fuck you can't be here?"

"He's alive", the news spread fast, and they all thought it was best to keep it from me. Well I make my own decisions, I've been mourning a man who hasn't been dead, a man I've been thinking over the past few days. He's alive, those words were like a breeze hitting me with relief, a joy of outburst flowing out of me.

They've restricted me from leaving, who are they to tell me what I can and can't do? They're worried for my safety, well I was worried for his and to find out he's alive also leaves me feeling guilty. Rita rushed me out, even when I knew there was hope. I could of saved him, instead I just gave up, unwillingly.

"Malia you don't get to make decisions anymore!" Lorenzo shouts at me, his face almost touching mine, standing so close with his eyes a bloodshot red. He's recovered and truthfully I am glad, but I can see all his mighty confidence hasn't changed one bit.

"Move" I order,


"We're not going to let you get yourself killed, the minute you walk in all eyes will be on you" he says, his eyebrows furrowed at my unbothered expression. "All guns will be on you".

I know the risk, I know that they could kill me one foot into the building. But I need to see Ezra, I want to see him alive and well. I need to erase the image of his lifeless body from my mind.

"I know and I'm willing to risk it",

"Yeah but we're not", Rita interrupts out of nowhere, literally.

Fucks sake,

My men guarded around the building, a threat against me. They're all stood there, a warning not to go against their word. They expect me to be fearful and go back to my room like an obedient little girl, funny. I laugh at their performance, it was cute how they thought it affected me after all I've been through.

"Is this funny to you Malia?" Rita questions,

"Yeah", I walk over to Scar who was stood directly in front of the exit. "It is".

I'm not going to follow their rules anymore, even if they believe it's to keep me safe. I don't want people around me to get hurt, for the cause of my safety. And I'm tired of constantly being told what to do, I should have the right to my own opinion.

I glare up at Scar, both of us almost chest to chest. He was muscular, he looked like he could kill me with just his bare hand, but of course he can't. I'm their leader, the person they have to obey, whether they like it or not. Which made me question, they've been taking orders from both Rita and Lorenzo this entire time, Will they obey me?

"Move out the way", he doesn't move, no eye contact, just frozen. I wait a couple seconds before trying again, "Move".

"Chase move" Grant intervenes, So that's his name, I prefer Scar. I look at Grant to see him looking straight at Scar, an emotionless expression plated across his face. "She's you're boss, you do whatever she says". At those words he moves, as if just realising who I was after all this time. I hear a an extended sigh from behind, steps of anger marching towards me. Before I can turn around, Grant has already stepped Infront.

"Malia your not leaving" Rita says, trying her to best to reach past my guard, I stand there watching her compete with him. I look back to Lorenzo, who looked down with disappointment, "boy's Move".

"She's the heir, therefore we obey her".

"You obey her when she's ready and she's clearly not!" Rita yells, fuming at my disobedience. I smirk at her disgrace, the way she was unknowingly trying to humiliate me.
It was quite clear she was scared, that her ropes of control that were gathered around my wrists, were starting to snap.

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