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It was late. That was all Rex knew as of now. He was tired, sleep-deprived, and he needed caf. Also, they were being sent on a campaign the following morning.

He entered the barracks to find absolute chaos. And the usual brothers starting it.

Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase.

"You'll never take me alive!" Hardcase was yelling.

Jesse finger-gunned him. "Die, traitor!"

Fives, who was lying on the ground pretending to be wounded, clutching at his chest dramatically like the child he was. "Revenge me my dear brother. I can not go on anymore. My strength has failed me. My wounds are too severe."

Hardcase cackled. "I will escape the wrath of your mighty guardsmen, disappearing into the grove as if I was never here!"

"Anyone care to explain what this is?"

3 heads jerked up in his direction. Fives immediately pushed himself off of the floor.

"Hardcase shot me!"

"With what?"

"An invisible gun!" Jesse grinned.

Rex now noticed Kix sitting on the sidelines, sighing in exasperation and running a hand over his temple. "Why do I even try?"

"Want to join?" Hardcase asked. "You can be my evil partner!"

Fives gawked. "How dare you assume Rex has that cold of a heart. He's a big softy, he should be on my side."

"I agree with Fives," Jesse said. "Rex may seem rough on the outside, but internally, he's a big softy."

"And how would you know that?" Rex crossed his arms. When he didn't get an answer, he sighed. "I need some sleep."

He tried not to notice the way Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase were all watching him as he climbed into his bunk. They had something planned, he knew it.

And as expected, he jolted awake in the middle of the night to Hardcase and Fives' dramatic acting. He groaned.

"Can you two be quiet?"

They looked toward him. "But we're bored, sir."

"Then go to kriffing sleep!" Kix shouted from his bunk. "Jesse's actually listening and is being nice and quiet. Why don't you two do the same?"

"We're not tired," Fives muttered.

Kix hopped off of his bunk and immediately grabbed a hypo. "Then allow me to help you."

Fives and Hardcase huddled against each other and aimed their invisible finger guns at the medic. "Stay back! Or we will be forced to shoot thee down to thee ground. Or thy shall suffer at thee hands of thy brother."

Kix's lips thinned and he just stared at them, unimpressed.

Rex snorted.

"You two are ridiculous."

"Thank you for noticing," Fives said. "See? We all need a Rex in our lives."

"We do have a Rex in our lives," Jesse said. "He's currently laughing at you."

Fives whipped his head toward the Captain to see him snickering into his hand.

"Thy dare disrespect thee?"

That made him laugh harder, and soon he was leaning against his bunk, barely able to breathe.

Fives approached him. "How dare thou, loyal brother, disrespect that of which you were born to. Of natural..erm—something, that we prey upon nightfall."

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now