Unexpected Return (part 1)

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Another day after an exhausting campaign, Rex wanted to jump off of a cliff.

Here he was, trying to lounge and relax in the barracks, datapad in hand, trying to accomplish something, when Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase came in.

Or as Rex loved to call them, "The Disaster Trio."

In all honesty that's what they were. Their only hobbies were to cause chaos wherever they landed. Today, it was in the barracks.

With Rex.

This was going to be a nightmare.

"Hey, Captain!" Hardcase called. He was as cheery as ever. Hell, the trooper never sounded sad as long as the Captain had known him.

He was one ball of positive energy. But he was also one ball of positive, chaotic, energy.

Jesse and Fives were arguing with each other. The hyperactive trooper mustn't have had anything to do with it, surprisingly, because the two were completely ignoring him.

"Hardcase," He said simply, needing not be drawn into a conversation he couldn't escape from.

As Fives and Jesse continued to ramble, and might he add, he was paying no attention to them so he had no idea what they were saying, Hardcase plopped in beside him. "Doing anything interesting? If not, I have a few ideas! I mean, I'm a really good party planner. If you're not doing anything, I can--"

"Hey, 'Case," Jesse called. "Stop bothering the Captain, that's our job."

"It's my job too!" The trooper argued. Although he acted like a child sometimes, Rex had known him longer than Fives. If anything, Fives was the baby of the group. Jesse and Hardcase were around the same age and about a year older than the ARC was. Weird.

Fives glanced at Jesse and shrugged. "Bother him all you'd like, vod. Don't show him any mercy."

Rex glanced up from his datapad. "Fives, don't make me throw you in the storage closet again."

The look that came over the ARC's face was highly amusing.

"Please don't. I was in there for years!"

Jesse scoffed. "Fives, you were in there for 10 minutes."

"Yeah, 10 minutes that felt like years!"

Hardcase leaned close. "He's being dramatic."

Rex rolled his eyes. "You think I don't know that? That's his middle name."

"Fives Dramatic Fett," Fives tested. "Hm, sounds cool. Can that be my middle name officially?"

"We don't even have an official last name," Jesse replied. "I mean, the person we're clones after was named Jango Fett but I'm not sure if that counts."

Rex was so busy listening to them, that he didn't notice Hardcase sneaking around the two troopers, coming up from behind them. But he noticed last second, a smile spreading over his face.

Fives raised a brow. "Uh, sir, you good?"

As soon as Hardcase lunged, yelling in the process, Jesse and Fives both jumped, a feminine-like scream erupting from both of their throats. Rex sat back and chuckled.


They were crazy, but he loved them anyway.

The hyperactive trooper shot to his feet and ran, with Jesse and Fives both chasing after them.

Welp, time for him to intervene.

He shot to his feet and chased after them.


SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now