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Walking across a frozen lake, bundled up in a thick, fluffy jacket, with Rex and a few of his men was not what Ahsoka had in mind for their next mission.

They were reassured that the ice was indeed thick. But she was still always glancing down, ready to jump into panic mode at any signs of weakness. It was cold, but Rex and the boys were wearing their usual armor so they must not have been bothered.

"Did you really have to bring me along?" She murmured, struggling not to stutter with the chattering of her teeth. The coat was enough to keep her body warm, but her face was being blasted with freezing winds.

Rex slowed down so she could catch up. "You underestimate how lonely it is without you, Commander."

Even with his helmet on, she could tell he was grinning.

"Yeah, at least you have something to cover your face."

He snorted, reaching over to playfully pull her hood over her face. She immediately swatted at him, making an annoyed, disgruntled noise.

She glared up at him. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"Nope," He responded, a sly tone to his voice. The bastard. "We've still got a few miles to go until we're even clear of this lake."

Ahsoka groaned, then yanked her hood further like Rex had done a few moments before, acting like she was ignoring him.

About another mile ahead, the ice started to thin slightly. Rex warned her and the other to be cautious, and they all took careful, calculated steps.

Ahsoka's anxiety was growing. The ice slightly cracked under each of her steps, even as light as she was. Rex took occasional glances back at her to make sure she was alright.

A few moments later, her foot hit the weakest spot, and she didn't have time to think before she suddenly had to hold her breath, a blanket of cold washing over her as she sank into the icy depths of the lake.


It was so cold that she could hardly focus. She didn't know which way was up or down and her limbs were moving in jerky motions.

Another splash caught her attention. Where it come from, she had no idea, but she was suddenly being grabbed and turned in the right direction and she realized just how deep she was.

She met Rex's worried gaze. He had a tight grip on her, and, much to her worry, he still had his armor on. He must have not wanted to waste time, but it was dragging him down and making it harder for them to swim.

He was trembling too, she could tell. His hand came up to wipe at her cheek in a comforting manner, as she was quite obviously panicked and cold and couldn't think straight, before he started kicking.

There was still a long ways to go. Ahsoka didn't think they'd make it. But he'd jumped after her and now they'd both die.

Rex nudged her gently, trying to urge her to swim, but she was too cold. Even though it was worthless in the cold water, he was rubbing his hands up and down her arms.

Her chest was tightening, lungs desperate for air. Rex was starting to struggle too, obviously succumbing to the cold.

She made a gurgled, panicked noise, grabbing at Rex because she didn't want to die like this. She didn't want to drown. And she couldn't cry because that would require her to open her mouth and allow the water to flood her lungs.

Rex kept kicking, as weak as it was, his other arm coming around to encircle her, pulling her close.

She wanted to cry.

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now