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Fives, Echo, and Jesse stepped onto the Republic Cruiser. They had just completed another mission and were heading to another planet where a Separatist base was spotted.

It would take a few hours through hyperspace to get there, but after this mission was completed, they'd get a chance to relax for a while.

Jesse was definitely relieved. They'd had missions back to back recently and it was tiring them out.

It was true that they were practically bred for combat, but that didn't prevent them from getting tired. They needed rest every once in a while or else they wouldn't do so good in battle. Half of their men would be too tired to fight, or not able to aim properly.

But during the few hours that they were preparing to arrive, they had time to lay back and relax before the upcoming battle. They'd likely have one anyway. A Separatist base meant droids. And likely lots of 'em.

A few hours later they arrived. Rex was absent from this mission due to being seriously injured and currently still recovering from the last one.

General Skywalker stepped out first, followed by Fives, Echo, and Jesse. They were followed by other 501st troopers. Kix wasn't far behind them, medical bag on his back.

"Stay alert!" General Skywalker told them. So far, there was no base in sight. The coordinates given suggested that it should have been right here.

Echo looked around in confusion, then turned to Fives. "Shouldn't there be something here?"

Fives nodded. "That's what I thought. The coordinates to the base led us to this spot. But there's nothing."

Echo narrowed his eyes from behind his helmet and continued to look around. The land was relatively flat and they couldn't see anything for miles.

"Are you sure we're in the right place, General?" Jesse asked.

Skywalker stopped and turned toward them. "These were the coordinates that they gave us. There should be something here," He thought for a moment. "Unless it's underground.."

Fives took out his scanners and looked down toward the ground. But before he could do anything, a smoking bullet flew out from nowhere and struck him in the arm. He yelled out in surprise and toppled to the ground.

"Fives!" Echo yelled, rushing toward him. The other troopers instantly spun toward the location the bullet came from.

Droids had them surrounded.

Fives grunted and grabbed Echo's arm. His arm stung a little, but other than that it actually wasn't as painful as he expected. Which was slightly weird.

"Are you okay?" Echo's brows were furrowed in concern behind his helmet.

Fives nodded. "I'm alright."

They noticed the droids surrounding them. General Skywalker had his lightsaber activated.

"Well, kriff.." Echo muttered.

Kix came sprinting toward them just as blaster fire sprung toward them. He led them toward cover as they began to battle the droids surrounding them.

"Are you alright, Fives?" He asked, eyes scanning over the hole in the plastoid armor.

"I'll be fine," He replied. "Patch me up after the battle. This won't stop me."

Kix looked slightly reluctant but nodded. They stood up and rushed back into battle. Fives and Echo took down droids quickly.

"There's so many," Jesse growled from behind them. Brother after brother fell, and they only grew more desperate to finish this.

Echo heard a weak groan from behind him and spun around to see Fives on his hands and knees, blasters laying next to him.

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now