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Ahsoka and Jesse stepped into the facility. Fives and Tup had come along as well, but they decided to split up and go to different entrances.

They went inside, looking around. The hallway was relatively dark and doors lined the walls.

Jesse eyed the place wearily. "This place is kind of creepy."

"Yeah," Ahsoka agreed. "Hopefully we can finish up quick so we can get out of this place.."

Jesse nodded and they went further into the building. It was eerily empty and silent. And something about it unsettled Ahsoka. She was a bit..uneasy.

She stopped and closed her eyes, trying to sense if anyone was here.

"I don't think anyone's here.." She said. "But something about this place is giving me the shivers."

"I know how you feel," Jesse replied. "This place is giving me the same feeling."

They turned down another corridor. The lights there were dim, but it gave them enough light to be able to see.

Ahsoka swallowed nervously. Something was seriously amiss with this place, but she couldn't pinpoint what.

Some of the rooms were windowed. She glanced into each one they passed, looking for the smallest details.

Though, so far she couldn't find anything. The facility seemed relatively empty. Some of the rooms were vacant, while others had beds or some sort of furniture in them. Others looked like operating rooms. Which spooked her quite a bit.

She hoped the other two were having better luck. Perhaps their side wasn't as creepy.

But they continued looking around. They had no idea what they were searching for, or if there was even supposed to be anything here, but they were sent just to look through the facility.

If anything, Ahsoka was relieved to actually be doing something. Though, this wasn't what she was expecting. It was creepy. Like, seriously creepy. But she's been in worse situations.

Besides, it's not like something would just jump out of the darkness and attack them, right?

Yeah. Not like that's possible. She couldn't even sense anyone or anything here. So it was just them. And this..

Really creepy...building.


Ahsoka spotted another door and read the sign above it.


"Let's head to the 2nd floor. Maybe it's less creepy.."

Jesse nodded and followed her through the door and up to the next floor. It looked almost identical to the first one. Though, it seemed a lot larger. But that wouldn't be seemed smaller on the outside.

Unless the building magically grew larger.

Ahsoka snickered to herself at the thought. It was ridiculous, but maybe it wasn't so impossible. She's seen a lot of crazy things, although a growing building would be one of the weirder things she's seen.

They turned another corner, but weirdly, it seemed that they were back on the first floor. They saw the entrance they had came through.

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now