Post-Clone Wars

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Rex with children cause yeah

Don't read if you haven't watched episode 7

"Omega, this is Rex."

Omega looked up at the blond-haired clone. He looked nice. And he had the same color hair as her.

He also looked older than everyone else. And since she knew they were all brothers, he had to be the eldest.

He walked over to her, kneeling down and gazing at her softly. "I've met many clones in my time. But I've never met any like you."

She tilted her head in curiosity, inching closer to him to look at his face. She looked at the lines and marks over his forehead.

"You're a generation one, aren't you?"

He smiled. "Now how'd you know that?"

"The lines on your face," Omega said with her own smile.

Something crossed over Rex's face. She noticed that it was something akin to shock and disbelief before he broke out into laughter. "Yeah. I guess I've been around for a while."

"You've definitely got that right!" Wrecker agreed from behind them, right before groaning and clutching his head in the constant headaches that have been coming off and on.

"Tech, can I have one of those med patches?"

Something dark crossed over Rex's face. He turned and got to his feet.

"I don't have any more, Wrecker. You used the last one."

"What's wrong?" The Captain asked.

"Nothing.." Wrecker muttered. "Just a headache."

"That's been occurring more frequently," Echo put in.

Rex's eyes narrowed. "Is that so?"

"If you are worried about our inhibitor chips, don't be," Tech said, which only seemed to fuel the tension in Rex's shoulders. "They do not have an affect on us, except for Crosshair."

"So you're telling me you haven't removed your chips?" Rex asked.

"No, not yet."

Rex firmly planted himself between both Omega and the Bad Batch. He reached for his blaster.

"Rex..." Hunter warned.

"Those chips make you a threat to everyone around you. Which includes her," He glanced down at Omega, who looked back with wide eyes.

He grabbed his blaster and started to pull it from its holster. "You're all ticking time bombs."

"Take it easy, Captain," Hunter muttered. Everyone looked uneasy, with Echo looking more confused than anyone.

"What's in your head is more dangerous than you can even imagine," Rex said. "I've seen what happens when those chips activate. And I don't want to bury any more of my brothers. It's something you cannot control, cause I couldn't."

His gaze turned to heartbreak, staring down toward the ground in shame. "It's a risk you sure as hell don't want to take."

Everyone was silent for a few moments. Omega's eyes were glued to where Rex was holding his blaster. She hoped he didn't do anything.

But she had a feeling he wouldn't. He's been through a lot. She could tell.

"Well, how do you think we get these things out?" Hunter asked.

Much to Omegas relief, Rex released his blaster.

"Good question. I'll be in touch."

He turned to Omega and knelt down back to her level. "Sorry 'bout that, kid."

"It's okay," She said with a smile, then frowned. "You've been through a lot, haven't you?"

The Captain's face fell. "Definitely nothing pretty, that's for sure."

She reached out and pressed her hand to his shoulder. It wasn't nothing much, but it was a kind gesture. Plus, it earned a smile from Rex.

"I heard you're getting pretty good with that bow," He said as he stood up. "Keep at it."

"I will," Omega called, right before he disappeared. Echo walked up behind her.

"Pretty cool, ain't he?"

She smiled and nodded.


"Wrecker, please!"

Her best friend was stood over her, gun aimed. Everything had gone wrong. He had snapped just before they were supposed to get his chip out.

"Conspiring with traitors makes you guilty of treason," He growled.

Wrecker was terrifying when he was completely emotionless.

"I don't want to hurt you!"

Her finger twitched on the trigger, but he ripped it out of her hands seconds later.

"Good soldiers...follow...orders—"

He grunted, a stun bolt hitting him and sending him to the ground, unconscious.

Omega gasped and looked up. Rex was leaning against the doorway, clutching his head. He looked absolutely worn and terrified.

He holstered his gun, rushing in toward her. He knelt down.

"Are you okay?"

She swallowed hard, sobbing and clutching on to his chest, petrified.

He rubbed her back, trying to calm his own breathing from having to relive his own experience on that Venator.

"It's okay, little 'un. It's okay. I got you."

"I-I thought he was going to kill me!" Omega cried. "I-I thought..I was so scared!"

Rex shushed her. "I know. I know, Omega. I was scared too."

Without letting go, she looked up at him. "Y-You were?"

"Yeah," He whispered. "Yeah, I was. I went through a similar thing when my chip was taken out. Except I couldn't save my brothers that time."

"I'm sorry.." She whispered.

He smiled. "It's okay."

Echo came in behind him, rubbing his head. He was followed by Hunter and Tech, both of which began to help carry Wrecker back to the medical bay.

Echo was at Rex's side, resting his arm around his shoulders.

The Captain looked up. "Sorry, Echo. I didn't mean to stun you."

"Don't worry about it," His brother replied.

Rex smiled, then stood up and grabbed Omega's hand. "Come on."

She sniffled. He pulled her up, and Echo watched fondly as Rex rested a hand on her back and lead her out of the room.


"I'll be seeing you," Rex said, pulling Echo into a firm hug. "Take care of yourself. Don't get into trouble."

"I think that's all we do," Echo laughed. "I'll miss you."

Rex smiled. "Don't worry. We'll see each other again."

He pulled back, and Echo returned the smile with his own. 

Something bumped into his leg. He looked down.

"You really have to leave?" Omega asked sadly.

He sighed, then lowered himself to her level and rested his hands on her shoulders. "Don't worry, Omega. I'll be back."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded, then pat the side of her face as he stood. He looked to the others. "Keep her safe, will ya?"

"Of course, Captain," Hunter responded.

He fit his helmet over his head, then disappeared into the fog.

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now