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Rex kept a box of all the letters Fives kept writing to him. After his untimely death, they became more sacred and important to him.

It seemed that in his free time, the ARC had a hobby of writing. This was surprising to Rex because he's rarely seem his brother write.

Sometimes Fives wrote just because he couldn't tell him something out loud. Or it was about something in the future.

It was only 3 days after Fives passed away in Rex's arms. Rex was sitting on his bunk, box of letters sitting on his lap.

He hadn't had the courage to look at them again until now.

These were the only things he had left of his brother. Aside from a few pictures.

Some of them were really short. Others were longer. The first one he pulled was one Fives had written to him after Echo's death, and also after Rex had let him sleep in his bunk with him for comfort.


I really appreciate the help you gave me last night. It really made me feel better. It was probably the best sleep I've gotten since Rishi.

If you ever need to talk, because I know you loved him too, you can still talk to me.


Rex smiled down at the letter he had read, trying to keep the tears at bay. Force, he missed his brother so much.

He pulled out another one. This one was right after Umbara.


You've been awfully quiet since we came back from Umbara. I know that you feel that this is all on you but I'm writing this to tell you it isn't.

Rex, I don't blame you for any of this. Neither does Jesse or Kix. You did what you thought was the best thing to do and I understand that.

Me and the others have been really worried about you. We haven't seen you much. Please come to any of us if you need to talk. We're here for you, ori'vod.

Please let us know you're okay. General Skywalker's been worrying too. And Commander Cody.

It's really not your fault.

Your favorite brother,

p.s.: don't try to deny I'm your favorite. I know I am. ;)

Rex had to admit, reading this one had made him feel a little better. Knowing Jesse and Kix had his back helped. Especially since he almost got Jesse and Fives killed and put Kix in the firing squad.

He shuffled through a few more. Then, he pulled out another. The last letter Fives had ever written to him. He had written it to him on Kamino after Tup had died.

Rex struggled to open it, his hands trembling as he did so.

This one meant the most to him.


I know I'm supposed to be coming back to the front lines, but I'm going to admit I have no intentions of doing so until I figure out why Tup died.

Yeah, yeah, I can feel your annoyance already. You told me to take care of myself.

As I was helping him, I found something really weird in his head. I need to figure out what it is and what it's for. I'll explain more when I see you again.

This also got me thinking about the future. I know I'm going to die eventually, and I know that you're going to outlive me. That seems to always be the case nowadays. I wish it wasn't. You deserve better.

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now