It's Over

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Rex was Cody's best friend. They did everything together.

Hell, they've known each other since they were kids, and Cody vowed to protect his younger brother with everything he had. Especially since Rex was constantly getting bullied for his hair and threatened with decommissioning.

They've had each other's backs ever since the damned war started. It didn't matter that they were later separated into different battalions, with Cody becoming the highest ranking clone in the GAR and Rex later being promoted to Captain under the insane General, Anakin Skywalker.

His brother always came to tell him, when he had time, about what insane stunts his General pulled off and how stupid he was at the same time.

On one mission, he came back injured with a blast wound to the upper right side of his chest. Apparently, he had jumped in front of Skywalker, which came as no surprise to Cody as he knew his brother was self-sacrificing like that, and saved him from a fatal wound.

And that's when he got the jaig eyes on his helmet, something he became very proud of.

Cody couldn't have been prouder.

Then, there was the battle of Kamino. Both him and Rex agreed to promote Fives and Echo to ARCs.

Over the weeks that followed, he could tell how much Rex loved having the twins around. He could be commanding, but that didn't really hide much.

Then there was the Citadel. Rex didn't deal super well with that. He was more numb than anything else.

Cody had went to check up on him, only to find him breaking apart silently in his own private quarters, away from any eyes.

"Vod'ika?" He asked softly.

Rex's head whipped up. He hurried to wipe the tears from his face and rushed to pull himself together. "Cody! Wh—What are you..I wasn't expecting to see you so soon."

The Commander raised a brow. "I came to check on you."

"I'm grateful for your concern, Codes. I really am, but I'm fine."

"Are you?"

Rex blinked, tilting his head. "What do you mean?"

"I came in here and you were a mess."

"I wasn't a mess. I-I was just.."

Cody sighed, sitting down beside him and grabbing his shoulder. "Rex, listen. You can talk to me. I'm here for you no matter what, remember?"

The Captain seemed to stiffen, then give in after a few seconds.

"I miss him already.."

"I know," Cody whispered, pulling his brother close.

"Fives is the only one left of his squad now," Rex whispered. "I should've went back. I-If only to check.."

"No one could have survived that," He told him. "And you know that."

"But it's not fair!" More tears came streaming down his brother's face. "This whole war is just—" He clenched his fists. "I don't know. It's just-!"

Cody rested his hand over Rex's fist. "It's hard. It takes people from everyone. It's took things from me and it's took things from you."

"It took everything from me too," Rex muttered.

"Exactly," He said, moving his hand to his younger brother's back. "And it took everything from Fives. That's something you two have in common. If there's anyone who can be there for him and know what it's like to feel alone, it's you."

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now