Hidden Horrors

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Fair warning, this one is more disturbing and has more of a horror genre and may or may not contain graphic descriptions of hanging that may offend or make some people uncomfortable. If you don't like reading things like this, I suggest you don't read.

It was a few hours, close to a day, after Rex was supposed to have left Kamino when Skywalker arrived. Fives was still stuck in quarantine, albeit still upset over Tup's passing.

When the door came open, the ARC trooper had expected it to be General Shaak Ti. Not Anakin. Especially since he was supposed to be on Coruscant with Rex, who was nowhere to be found.

"General?" Fives asked, getting to his feet. He glanced around. "Why aren't you on Coruscant?"

Skywalker looked worried. "Did Shaak Ti get the message through that Rex was to return to Coruscant?"

"Yeah," Fives replied. "He left a few hours ago, why?"

There was a few moments of silence before he received an answer, although the General looked deeply unsettled. "Because he was supposed to be there a while ago. He hasn't returned my comm calls and he hasn't arrived. In fact, it said that he was still on Kamino. Which is why I'm here."

But Rex had left. Fives had watched him leave. He couldn't still be on Kamino. It wasn't possible. If he had stayed, surely he would have contacted them.

"But he did leave. I watched him walk away."

Skywalker opened his mouth to talk, but stopped himself when the door slid open once again behind him, revealing Shaak Ti.

"Skywalker," She greeted. "I definitely didn't expect to see you here so soon."

He nodded respectfully. "Master. I have some concerns that Rex still hasn't reported to Coruscant. Fives is saying that he left, but I haven't been able to reach him and according to his comm signal, as weak as it is, he's still on Kamino."

This seemed to deeply unsettle her. She lifted a hand to her chin in thought. "Has he contacted you at all?"

Anakin shook his head. "I thought he'd at least let me know he was on his way back. But I haven't heard from him."

"That is odd," She murmured.

"Rex always checks in," Fives said. "Hell, it's practically a habit. He doesn't go more than an hour or two without doing so."

The two Generals remained silent, but Anakin was the first to speak. "We have to look for him, Master. He could--He probably is in trouble."

The thought of something having happened to Rex made Fives' stomach twist.

"I agree," She said. "It'd be best if we found him quickly. Clones do not just disappear without a trace for no given reason. Something has to have happened."

Before they even left the room, Fives jumped to his feet. "Wait--I'm coming with you."

Shaak Ti turned. "Fives, it would be best if you remained here."

"With all due respect, General," Fives said, approaching them. "Rex is my brother. I want to help look for him."

Skywalker nodded. "He can come."

Shaak Ti nodded. "Alright. Although it'd be best to change back into your armor."


After hours and hours of looking, Fives was visibly frustrated that they haven't even found a trace of the Captain yet.

They've looked at all the underwater sections that they know of, and the main facility. Hell, they've looked through practically every facility.

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now