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this one is based off of the clip in the new tv spot for tbb today.

The ship shook and rattled with the force of incoming rockets. Cody and his own squad of troopers, which included Crosshair, were sent to try to squash another band of rebels.

Maybe, he thought, if they would just realize the empire was trying to help them, they wouldn't be in this mess.

He struggled to keep himself steady as various troopers stumbled around him. He kept his datapad clutched in one hand. Maybe he should have been holding on to something.

Another explosion rocked the ship. A spark of flames quickly erupted into something much larger as the ship spiraled toward the ground.

Troopers cried out and struggled to find something to hold on to. Cody found himself being rattled back and forth by the jerky movements.

He found this situation eerily similar to Anaxes. He found it a bit humorous that he had ended up in a ship being shot down twice.

"Hold on, men!" He shouted, hoping to calm the riled up troopers. "We're going down!"

The ship slammed into solid ground and before Cody lost consciousness, he vaguely hoped that this wouldn't end like the last crash.

He jerked awake with a jolt, his dead little brother's name immediately and instinctively leaving his lips.


"Easy, Commander," Crosshair's rough voice brought him from his thoughts. A few other clones were gathering themselves. "Are you injured?"

"Rex," He swallowed. He needed his brother. Last time this happened, he had been here. His head hurt something awful. "I need—where is he?"

"Captain Rex isn't here," Crosshair told him. "He was killed at the end of the war."

Cody took a moment to process that information.

He was killed at the end of the war.

Kriff. He remembered reading down the list of the dead and seeing Rex being listed as KIA immediately after Order 66 was sent out. He remembers stumbling to his bunk, having to sit down because his baby brother couldn't possibly be dead.

"No," He murmured. "No, he—he can't-"

Cody buried his face in his hands. "I'll—I'll be fine, just—I need a minute."

Crosshair nodded and stood up, making his way over to some of the other clones.

Even now, a few months after having learned what happened to his brother, he was still in denial.

"Oh, Rex'ika," He whispered to himself. "I failed you. I'm so sorry.."

He should have been on that Venator with him. Maybe things wouldn't have gone so wrong. He wanted to have been there when his brother died. What if he died alone? Was it an instant death? Was he in pain?

Cody clenched his hands against his temple, swiping away the tears in his eyes.

The only thing he knew for sure was that his brother was dead. And he wasn't coming back.

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now