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Omega groaned, slowly opening her eyes to a concrete floor. It took a minute for her vision to adjust as she sat up.

What happened?

She must have hit her head, because it hurt and she was having trouble remembering the details of what exactly transpired to land her in this small, confined room.

Now that she was more aware, she found herself in some sort of crate. It seemed more of a size to hold large animals, but since she was only a child, she fit quite well.


She jumped at the voice, whirling her head around to Hunter, who seemed to be in a similar situation next to her. He was also in a large barred crate, though it was slightly larger than the one she was in.

"Hunter!" She pressed herself against the bars, stretching her thin hand through to latch onto Hunter's.

He was in his blacks, except for his legs and waist. His chest and arms were stripped of his armor. Aside from a few bruises here and there, he seemed physically fine.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" His voice dropped to that concerned, father-like tone. It was something she was accustomed to.

Omega shook her head in reply. "I'm okay. But where are we?"

"That I'm not sure," Hunter inspected their surroundings, keeping himself close to the bars as well to keep his grip on Omega's hand. It was as close as they could get to each other at the moment.

Someone entered, hidden by a large cloak. The door they entered through shut and locked behind them. For a few moments, they just stood there.

"Who are you?" Hunter asked, more so demanded.

They didn't answer, instead making their way over to Omega.

She swallowed hard, backing herself into the corner and letting go of Hunter in the process. "Hunter..!"

"Stay away from her!" He growled. "I don't know what you're planning to do, but if you lay a finger on her—"

The figure pushed a button, and Hunter seized, collapsing to the floor and writhing in agony as electricity flew through his body.

Omega watched, terrified, as he laid there gasping for air once it was over, determinedly pulling himself back up.

Her door opened, and she was yanked out, violently protesting. "Let me go!"

Hunter's eyes widened as he pounded on the metal rails. "Don't touch her!"

But the figure threw her to the ground, keeping her from escaping. They got up close to her face, inspecting her. Their head tilted, almost as in curiosity or interest.

The young clone just stared, trying to keep her breathing under control as she was stared at. Hunter was silent, but was staring at the person with endless hatred.

Then, he pulled out something and jabbed it into her neck. Within a few seconds she felt loopy, falling backwards to the ground and staring upwards with blurry vision.

"Omega!" Hunter yelled, this time even more enraged. He pounded on the crate. "Let me out of here! If you hurt her, you're a dead man!"

The man simply turned to him, seemingly without a care in the world. He walked toward him, yanking the door off of its hinges and reaching to grab him.

Hunter kicked outward with his lands, hitting the figure square in the stomach and sending him flying backward. He took this chance to escape, rushing over to Omega and gently raising her into his lap.

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now