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Rex groaned, tossing slightly in his bunk as he slowly stirred from his sleep.

He had practically collapsed into his bed the day previous after getting back from a mission. But he had another one today.

So he had to force himself awake so he could gather his armor and drink his much needed caf.

Fives was still asleep, but Jesse was stirring when he went to check on them. So he walked over and smacked him in the face, causing him to jerk awake with a startled yelp.

"Up you get. Busy day!"

Fives groaned. "Why'd you have to hit me?"

"To wake you up faster," Rex replied with a grin.

The ARC groaned and sat up reluctantly. "You know, maybe I need some caf too."

Rex chuckled. "Now hurry up."


The 212th were also coming along on the mission. Cody would be working closer with Rex on this one, which they were both happy about.

They had just set up camp on the planet they had landed on. They'd be there for a decent amount of time. 2 days at most, but if they got lucky then only 1 day.

"Finally, I get to work with my little brother," Cody said, roughly nudging him. "They need to put us together more often."

"You know," Rex said. "You could always join the 501st."

Cody laughed. "No, I think you should join the 212th."

"And leave Fives, Jesse, and Kix to fend for themselves? No thanks. That won't end well."

Because the 3 of them, well, maybe excluding Kix, were pure chaos energy. When Jesse got Kix riled up, the medic could be just as insane as Jesse and Fives combined.

Thankfully, Rex was never around when that happened, so he didn't have to worry about the medic trying to kill him in cold blood.

That sparked a memory of when Kix had taped Jesse to his medical bed after he got shot, because he kept insisting he was fine and tried to get up.

Hell, he even managed to escape at one point. But Fives helped track him down and him and Kix carried him back to the medical bay.

Rex heard all of this from Fives. Jesse had a bit of a biased side of the story because he obviously thought everything he did was fair and that he was fine.

Kix confined him to the medical bay for a whole week as punishment. He missed out on the fun and more entertaining missions, which he was really angry about.

"Yeah, I doubt it would," Cody snickered. He heard about all of their shenanigans as well. He was a bit wary around them, mainly for the one time they tried to dye his hair white while he was sleeping.

Rex wasn't there, but he wished he was.

It was a few hours later when they head into battle. The amount of droids was far heavier than many of the missions Rex had been on.

A few minutes before, Cody had warned him to be careful. He knew him well enough to know that he had a bad habit of rushing into things. And despite how he shows it, Cody worries. A lot.

The wave of droids split. A larger group of clones took one side, while Rex and the rest took the other. Surprisingly, not many brothers were going down.

That was a good thing.

Unfortunately, a lot of them were separated after an explosion blew them apart. The explosion also destroyed a lot of the droids.

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now