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okay I'll probably put more later. Also, all the notes will be going in this book so I don't waste space in the other one

"Race you to the top!"

Ahsoka laughed and ran after Anakin. They were about to do the most ridiculous and probably scariest thing they've ever done in their life. At least, for Ahsoka.

They were climbing a cliff. That definitely sounds like a lot of fun right? With barely anything to keep them safe, and the fact that the cliff was obviously so damn high was scarier.

Ahsoka wasn't terrified of heights, per say, but she definitely wasn't a fan of them.

So she reluctantly chased after him. He had already begun to climb, but it didn't take long for Ahsoka to catch up to him. Most of the rocks were sturdy, much to her relief, though there were some that were questionable. She felt her heart pounding the entire time, and they still had a long way to go.

"Don't fall too far behind, Snips!" Anakin shouted.

Ahsoka grinned. "Oh don't worry, Skyguy. I'm just giving you a head start."

"Your mistake," He replied with another grin.

She began to climb faster, but still watched her footing. There were a couple moments where one of her feet had nearly slipped, and those were the most terrifying.

But at this point, they were closer to the top then they were the ground, but Ahsoka would still rather go back down than up. But she braved it.

The worst part was when the wind started to blow.

Ahsoka struggled to stay in one spot as she dug her fingers into the cliff, trying desperately to keep her balance.

"Are you okay down there?!" Anakin shouted over the wind.

Ahsoka swallowed. "N-Not r-really..!"

Anakin turned slightly and looked down at her. Upon seeing her predicament he started back down toward her. "I'm coming."

She started to grow increasingly nervous as one of her hands started to lose its grip.


Then, her foot slipped, which caused her to lose her grip completely. She felt her heart plummet as she fell toward the ground, screaming.


She jerked to a stop mid-air. Blinking, she looked up to see Anakin with his arm outstretched, clearly using the force to keep her from falling.

"I got you,"

She let out a sigh of relief as he maneuvered her back over to the cliff, where she started climbing back up. They were much closer to the top than the surface anyway and it wouldn't be much use to just go back down.

Anakin checked in on her often, but she didn't blame him. She just wanted to get to the top and kiss solid ground.

It took about another 10 minutes of climbing, but they finally reached the top. Anakin had reached it first, and be reached a hand over to help Ahsoka up. As soon as she got to her feet, she stumbled into his arms, breathing heavily.

He gripped her shoulders. "Hey, you okay?"

Ahsoka swallowed and nodded. "Y-Yea...just a l-little shaken...I hate heights now.."

Anakin grinned and they started walking, but quickly after, Ahsoka felt unconsciousness starting to take over. She stumbled again and her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed.

"Snips!" Anakin rushed over and caught her before her head came into contact with the ground. He gently slipped his arm under her legs and another under her back.

Her head lolled against his chest as he carried her back toward the ship.


Ahsoka woke up to an unusual darkness. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, noticing that she was in her quarters.

How did she get here?

She groaned and put a hand to her head. Now that she thought about it, she had a giant headache.

At that moment, the door to her room slid open and Anakin stepped inside.

"Hey, Snips..I see you finally decided to wake up."

"Finally?" She asked. "How long was I out?"

Anakin looked a bit sheepish before finally replying. "A whole day. You either must have been scared out of your mind, or really tired."

He walked over to her and sat down.

"How do you feel?"

Ahsoka groaned. "Well, I have a giant headache.."

Anakin chuckled. "That's not a surprise. I talked with the healers, they said that you should be fine in a view days."

"What even happened?"

"Well, first off you were scared out of your mind. Which is probably one of the reasons you suddenly passed out like that. And you were pretty exhausted. You could have told me," Anakin replied.

"Well, I thought I could wait," Ahsoka said.

Anakin shrugged. "But at least you're feeling better. Aside from the headache."

"Yea.." Ahsoka agreed. "I bet you carried me all the way back here didn't you?"

Anakin grinned. "Yep. You weren't awake to complain about it anyway."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes.


SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now