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Rex jolted awake in his bed, sweat beading his forehead as he pushed himself upright so that he was leaning against his pillow.

Another nightmare.

He groaned, trying to ignore the ache in his bones from their most recent battle. Apparently sleep hadn't done much because he felt as tired as before.

It was always the same damn nightmare.

Glancing around, it seemed as though everyone else was still asleep. He sighed. It'd be better not to wake them and just sit in his own self misery. He did it all the time. Why would it matter?

So he sat there for a few minutes, calming his breathing and just thinking. They were being sent on yet another grueling campaign in a few hours and Rex wasn't sure he was fully prepared. They had just gotten finished with another one.

Another day in the Grand Army of the Republic.

He heard soft whimpers from beside him and turned his head in curiosity. Tup was shivering, even beneath the warmth of his blanket. His face was pulled tight in discomfort and the Captain felt horribly bad for the young trooper.

He pushed himself off of his bed and quietly walked over to lower himself on the side of his brother's own. He reached down and grabbed his hand.

"It's okay, vod. It's just a dream.."

And he wondered if it was the same one he had had. But he'd just push that thought off for now as Tup slowly stirred.

His eyes blinked open upon realizing someone was there, but Rex rested a hand on his chest to ease him back down.

"C'ptain?" He gasped. "Wh—What are you—"

"You were having a nightmare," He said with a sad smile.


"Don't apologize," Rex replied. "I just had one too. Get some more rest, Tup. We have a busy day ahead of us."

Without another question, the trooper was asleep again.

Rex didn't sleep anymore after that.

Clearly, the dark bags under his eye were noticed, as Kix was quick to approach him as they entered the gunship the following morning.

"Did you sleep at all?"

"A little," Rex replied casually.

"Rex, you're running yourself ragged," Kix said. "You need a break. I can tell."

Rex sighed. "I'm fine, Kix."

The medic crossed his arms, raising a brow. "You're no good to us half dead."

He realized he was giving in much sooner than he usually did. "Fine. I'll try to sleep as soon as I'm able."

Kix looked at least a bit more satisfied.

The battle was pretty violent when they reached the surface. Him and Fives quickly took cover as Tup, Kix, and Jesse headed in the opposite direction to find another source of cover. They had a few close calls.

A quick summary.

Jesse got clipped on the shoulder, Kix took a shot to the leg, and Fives got hit in the foot, but it barely made a difference so it wasn't really noticeable.

"This isn't looking too good!" Jesse yelled as he raised his head and fired. 3 droids toppled to the ground, quickly replaced by more as they advanced upon them.

"We might need to fall back," Fives told him. "The droids are advancing."

Rex nodded. He didn't even see that Dooku had joined the fight until Fives, Jesse, and Kix were all yelling a warning.

SWTCW Oneshots (Mainly Clones) part 2Where stories live. Discover now