Chapter 11

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*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *CLICK*

The front door creak opens slowly creating a small gap, enough for the tall figure to slip in. Moonbyul feels like she's in a military training, carefully navigating herself in the dark trying to minimise as much noise as possible. The house wasn't a total pitch black guided by the light of the full moon that shined through an open window.

Once she arrived at the living room, she was upset knowing that her plan failed when she saw Solar sleeping on the sofa.

"What are you doing- "

"Aack! Mmph!" Moonbyul jumped at the sound, almost failing her mission but it was a close call that she managed to cover her mouth just in time. After she's convinced that Solar is still asleep, she turns back to look but couldn't see anyone in her line of sight until she was suddenly grabbed by the collar and pulled down slightly to face the owner of the voice.


"Ya! Are you intentionally insulting my height?" Wheein said, reaching out for the switch and lit the living room. Moonbyul panicked and switched it back off again then pressing her index fingers on own her lips, signalling Wheein to keep quiet.

(-A/N- from here on, the scene dialogue is all in a whispering voice)

"What are you doing, Moonbyul-ssi? Why are you being so secretive like this?" Wheein asked.

"I don't want to wake Prof. up. I'll explain later." Moonbyul tiptoed next to the sofa and carried Solar the same way as she did yesterday to the bedroom and tuck her in. Wheein was following Moonbyul watching the whole scene, succeeded in stopping herself from squealing in excitement.

Moonbyul knelt next to Solar's side of the bed then crosses her arm, resting it on the bed and place her own head now facing the deep sleeper. "Wheein" she whispers with her back facing Wheein.

"Mmm?" The latter responded.

"You must be disgusted right?"


"Y'know, with how I acted earlier... Carrying her, those same gender love kinda stuff."

"Nah... I don't care. My cat Ggomo is my boyfriend." Wheein giggled and Moonbyul chuckled softly before Wheein presses on, "So do you love her?"

"I think I do... Yes, I do love her. But I doubt she feels the same way. I'm afraid she'd feel disgusted then distant herself from me." Moonbyul whispered in a sad tone biting her lips like she's fighting back her tears.

"Why do you think she'd be disgusted Moonbyul-ssi?" Wheein gently place her hands on Moonbyul's shoulder.

"Because its wrong. In this society its wrong to have same gender relationships. Not to mention, she's a teacher. All of these might ruin her career." Moonbyul answered, her hair droops to cover her tears as she whimpered softly.

Wheein then slides her hands down from Moonbyul's shoulder to stroke her back, consoling her. After a while, Wheein remembered something and smacked Moonbyul's back causing her to flinch.

"Is that why you sleep on the sofa?" Moonbyul arched backward stroking her stinging back and nodded as she replied, "Yea... I don't want her to feel uncomfortable especially after I saw how negatively she reacted about sharing the same bed with me."

"If there's one thing you must know about this eonni, even there's an earthquake she wouldn't wake up" Wheein chuckled, "Well I guess that also explains why you wake up early so she wouldn't notice you weren't sleeping on the bed with her."

Moonbyul was amazed at her deducing skills but before she could ask Wheein gave an answer, "How do I know? First, your drool on the sofa cushion. You better wash it, it stinks! Second, Jennie is the first to head out because Joohyun said you've woken up so its time for them to change shift."

They were talking about Bo Hyun's release of bail when Wheein's phone suddenly rang which made them jump and after she kills the noise, they looked at Solar who is grunting then face her back towards them. They released the breath they were holding and Moonbyul walked Wheein out the door as its getting "early".

As they left the bedroom, the pink haired lady slowly opens her eyes allowing a tear to trickle down her face whispering softly, "I'm sorry Byul-ah... I've been receiving but I could never give you anything in return... Not even your love."

(End of Chapter 11)


Thank you for your patience in reading these few chapters with details on the feels. I try very hard not to bore the readers, but it doesn't seem to work very well. Appreciate your patience in the next chapter before things starts to get lit!

Thanks for reading, please comment and vote <3!

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