Chapter 31

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(Continuation of Chapter 25)

"Good morning, Superintendent Jung." Yonghwa greeted me with his eyes on the screen as he sips his morning coffee, which I snatched it off him and chugged. He watches me draining his coffee completely empty in awe.

"Right... What were we saying last night?... Oh right! Why do you think that someone may have left a clue that Ahn Bo Hyun will show up at RBW University annual school festival?" he asked after I returned his empty cup of coffee.

"Well, someone hacked into our titanium solid security system and changed the code to 0619 and coincidentally, the RBW University annual school festival will be held on June 19th." I said while shuffling through the stack of case files on my desk and pulled out a file handing it to Yonghwa, "And get this, the stab counts on Krystal are 6 and 19 on Jae-Mo. Again, another 6 and 19. There's too many coincidences it feels like someone is trying to leave a message."

"And you think it's not from the killer themselves?" Yonghwa asked.

"No... Why would he give away his master plan?"

"You may be right... But who is this hacker leaving us these trails and why?"

"I think my concern here is how did the hacker manage to get past our firewall? I mean there are not many people I know are IT genius to pull this off, since each code encryption are unique. Unless... You are telling me that-"

"We got a mole among us?" Yonghwa frowned at me, "As much as I want to agree with you and pin the accusation on our teammate, care to enlighten me why would they go through the trouble of hacking into our system? They can just tell us."

"Maybe they can't..."

I could see Yonghwa's emotions getting the best of him when he pounced his fist on the table in anger, "Whoever did this are equally messed up! Because they could be the same person who inflicted additional wounds on Krystal and Jae-Mo to relay those messages to us!" I placed my hands on his shoulder, prompting him to calm down and he did by taking a deep breath and recline on his chair now covering his face to shield me from looking at his tears.

"Yonghwa... I know how you feel. Krystal is our dear cousin, we will get to the bottom of this I promise." I assured and he nodded. Then an idea struck me, "Wait, you may be on to something, but we are looking at this differently."

"What do you mean?" He wiped his tears now staring back at me.

"What I mean is maybe, the killer did inflict those wounds. But our secret informant could be the one who relay the date by first hacking into our door system and second hacking into the school system to change the date of the festival to June 19th."

"And... You are suggesting they can't tell us directly because-"

I nodded and finished off by deducing, "They are working undercover and also the one who suggests that particular date to the killer just to leave us those hints."

Yonghwa reeled his chair closer towards his desk and starts to type frantically as if his dear life is counting on it, "You are right, Superintendent." He claims, while I stare into the screen, he was pointing at explaining, "There! I managed to trace the IP address where the passcode was changed and it leads to..."

"To...?" I prompt him to continue.

"California..." He slumped, looking defeated.

"Don't worry, we're getting closer to find the killer. Trust me." I said, he nodded and finally smiled and asked, "Do we have a plan for the ambush on June 19th?"

"Yes, I actually intend to disguise as Solar eonni."

"You WHAT? No... No way in hell am I going to let you do that! Besides, you both look nothing like each other, how can you be so sure your cover won't be blown?" Yonghwa sprung up from his seat, holding on to my shoulders, "Please, I've already lost your dad, my uncle, Krystal, I can't bear to see anything happen to you too."

"It's just a hunch, but I think the killer may not recognise Solar eonni's face. Maybe, just maybe he has Prosopagnosia, also known as facial blindness."

"What makes you think so?"

"Because... I've just got another murder case of a girl with pink hair, killed the same way as Krystal – drugged, raped and later stabbed to death."

"If what you said is true, all the more reason I can't let you do this! Besides, how can the killer know it's not Solar? I mean, which leads to the subsequent serial killing."

"I don't know... Maybe someone helped the killer to identify the victim's bodies. Anyway, I've got you and the team on my back. What do I have to worry about? You will protect me, right?" I smiled towards his worried face in attempt to make it vanish, but we know it could be a suicide mission.

I went home afterwards and find my sleeping lioness – I mean goddess on the sofa. I sat next to her and lean in to kiss her forehead before I caress her hair as I whisper, 'I'm sorry for doing this behind your back. But I've hurt you enough in the past, I can't let anything happen to you... You've waited for me in the past... So you will wait for me this time, right?'

(End of Chapter 31)


I know, I know. Late as usual. (>_<!) Hope this chapter doesn't bore you too much, since its more explaining to progress the story. Regardless, thanks for reading and supporting this story by voting. Take care and be safe <3 Love ya'll!

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