Chapter 30

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"Good evening, Ms. Moon and Mr. Nam. My name is Wendy and I'd be your server for tonight." She smiled at us and turned to Eric, "Would you like more wine, sir?"

"H-Huh? O-oh... Yes, I like you..." I looked up to him confused and saw a lovestruck look on his face towards Wendy before he attempts to clear his innocence, "AHEM! I MEAN, YES! MORE WINE PLEASE!"

"Certainly, sir. Please tell me when to stop." Wendy starts pouring on his wine glass while he stares at her. I decide to prank him for not being helpful earlier.

"Wendy, don't you feel hot?" I asked.

"No, Ms. Moon. The restaurant is well conditioned." She stopped pouring half-way to answer me while I begin, "You should be, because I thought I see laser shooting out of his eyes gawking at you." Wendy was taken aback and hugs the wine in her hand as she steps back a little away from him.

"W-What? No, I wasn't staring! Ya, Moonbyul don't spout nonsense!" Eric panicked, trying to get out of the situation explaining, "No, I'm sorry. She's just joking."

"If I'm joking, why are you drooling?" I added fuel to the fire.

Eric instinctively wipes his chin only to realise he has been tricked as it is dry as a desert. Wendy realised this is all a prank and giggled at him which made him blush even more, adverting his eyes away to hide his embarrassment.

After Wendy leaves, I look to him who is now as mad as a bull. I chuckle at his reaction and hold on to an opportunity that suddenly arises, "You fancy?"

"What? No! I can't be with a waitress, my family would kill me if I don't be with someone on an equal social status." He denied.

"I meant to ask do you fancy the wine because there's a lot on your glass. Don't think you can swirl them though..." I laughed when he looks at his glass of wine that's filled almost to the brim and sighed in defeat, "Okay fine you caught me. So what? We can't be together."

"Doesn't it sound familiar? Not being able to be with someone you love because of stupid reasons like social status, gender and age." I shot him a serious look that makes him gulp and came to realisation on how Solar and I felt. Then I offered him, "I'd help you be together with Wendy if you agree to help Solar and myself."

"It seems that we have a lot to discuss then." He smirked then reach his hands out for a handshake agreement which I took it. Since Eric knows Solar as they are cousins while I know Wendy since we were kids because her parents manage our restaurant, and so we decide exchanged stories about our girls and laughing when we discover their embarrassing moments.

"Yea! And you know, Solar noona is also- YEOW! OW OW OW IT HURTS!" I was horrified when I saw Eric's head was slowly lifted up as his ears are yanked upwards causing his body to do the same.

"Also what hmmm?"

"Solar??? What are you doing here-" I am happy yet anxious wondering if she has misunderstood the situation and I was right on the money.

"Why is my girlfriend laughing so happily with my cousin whom she's supposed to ATTEMPT to break off the engagement, HUH?!" She squinted her eyes at me before glaring at Eric who is holding on to his ears as if it would come off any minute, "and what do YOU think you are doing with MY girlfriend? I'll have you know she's not one of your playmates or you'll be sorry!"

"OUCH! Noona, its not what you think please let me explain!"

I was about to save Eric's ears until an idea occurred to me as I walk behind Solar, hugging her arms saying in a pleading tone, "I'm so glad you came for me, Solar. Eric even threatened me if I don't sleep with him tonight, he'll tell my mom I'm intentionally ruining our blind date so that I can date you."

"You WHAT?! Eric I can't believe you!" Solar twist her hand backward, strengthening the pain in his ears as he screamed out, "OH SH- YA MOONBYUL YOU LIAR! TELL HER THE TRUTH!"

"Don't you dare yell at my girlfriend. How dare you steal her right under my nose and even threaten her to sleep with you?!"

I soon broke into a huge roar of laughter that makes my Yeba puzzled and release her grip from Eric's ears. She then processed in her mind for a moment before realising I was just joking about that statement and her expression changes as she approached me.

"Moon. Byul. Yi." She spelled out.

"W-Wait, wait. Let me explain I-" I knew I'm in trouble. I'm dead.

"You may explain yourself after I deal with you." She said as I gulped.

'I hope Hwasa deletes my browsing history and that secret folder in my laptop after my passing. Lord Buddha bless my soul for eternity.' I prayed.

(End of Chapter 30)


Yay! A day late but still yay! I hope you like that Chapter, I had to split Chapter 29 and 30 into two otherwise I feel it gets dragged and boring to read. Thanks for reading and supporting this story with the votes.

I am thinking to focus more on moonsun from now and later add a few special chapter of Eric and Wendy, Seulgi and Irene, Jenny and Lisa, and obviously Hwasa and Wheein. Because if I build each pair's relationship this chapter might go up to... over 50? Let me know what you all think! Take care and be safe! <3 Love you all.

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