Chapter 54

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"Get out! I don't want to see you here, you murderer!"

"Babe... All I did was to protect you, you know it."

"Don't babe me, I don't care! He is my brother, one and only sibling I have."

"Please, don't do this to me. It hurts me to see you like this."

"Get out! You won't understand me, because you are not one of us and you will never be one of us! You hear me, Jung Wheein?!"




"---Wheeinah?... Superintendent Jung, is everything okay?" Moonbyul shook my shoulder lightly as I snapped back from the recurring memories turned nightmare. That day when I part with Solar eonni and Mrs. Moon to see how Hwasa was dealing with her brother's death turned out to be one pill that's hard to swallow.

"O-Oh... Yes, I'm alright. Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I'm asking which colour should we use at the wedding reception? This? Or That one?" She showed me two fabrics of different colour, but I failed to focus and spaced out once again.

I remember her wrath, her quivering yet stern voice spitting nothing else but hate. Needless to say, I was thrown anything around her just to keep me away from her. 'Why won't she understand my intention? I did it all to protect her.'

"Hm... I'm sure she understood you had no choice but to do it to protect her." Moonbyul's sudden answer startled me, "Y-You can read my mind?!"

"Well for a start, it's written all over your face that something is bothering you. While you both may pretend to be goody two shoes, I've known Hwasa for a long time to know that she has been faking her smiles in front of everyone."

I sighed loudly then bury my face inside my folded arms, "Heung... What do I do Moonbyulah...? She won't answer my call, nor reply to my text, I don't know what to do..."

"I have an idea."

"You do?! You will help me?!" I popped my heads up in delight which made her startle at first but laughed, "of course, if it means you will be more focused on planning my wedding then yes, I will help you."

I nodded aggressively, leaning my ear closer to her so she could whisper the cheat code, "Okay so first..."




Hwasa's POV

"What?! A Fight?! Aigoo, what are you, a kid?" Eomma knocked my head which made me winced in pain, rubbing the area, "Ow... Eomma, why are you hitting me? She killed your son, my brother, doesn't that mean anything to you?!"

"Aish, you little wench. Of course, it pains to see the death of my own son. But you are not getting the big picture here. You know it well you have PTSD episode, I believe Wheeinie did her best to protect you."

"Even if it means killing your own son?" I stare at her. She sighed in defeat and removed her apron then sit next to me patting my thigh, "Hwasaya, ask yourself and weigh your heart. Do you hate the fact that she protects you at the expense of your brother? Or do you hate the fact that you have PTSD episode and couldn't do anything to save him?"

I kept my silence, deep down I know it was the worst-case scenario and the ultimate decision to take for everyone's sake. I just can't handle the fact that my brother is gone and blaming her as a defence mechanism to cope with his death.

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