Chapter 36

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After the dinner, we remained at our seats while Mr. Nam looks at me as he sips on his glass of wine before asking me, "Byul-yi... was it?"

"Ahjussi, my name is Moon Byul Yi, but I rather be called Moonbyul." I calmly replied.

"Ah... My bad. So Moonbyul, what do you think of my son Eric?" He didn't beat around the bush nor put on any fake façade to sugar coat anything.

"Eric is a good man, but we still need time to get to know each other-"

"It's a no then." He cuts me off, staring at his wine then swirls it for awhile before taking another sip. I gulp nervously, not knowing what lies ahead. But my gut feeling tells me I have to keep this act until I can find a way to break this engagement off. Before I could say anything, I could see Mr. Nam's stern face relaxed, replacing it with a warm smile and asked, "Moonbyul, you'd have to think carefully because the Nam doesn't believe in divorce. Because if a man can't even commit to a marriage, how can he commit to the business?"

He pulled a dining chair next to him and pat on the seat, prompting me to go over to sit next to him which I did and he sandwiched my right hand in between his warm fatherly hands and asked, "are you afraid of me?" I clumsily nodded and quickly realised my bluntness and desperately shook my head to change my answer. Mr. Nam burst into laughter, "I really like you, Moonbyul. You are honest yet reserved, just like your dad."

"Ahjussi, you know my dad?" I enquired.

"Yes, of course. We were childhood friends and he's like a sworn brother to me." His face beamed, "You don't have to lie to me, Moonbyul-ah. Ahjussi has lived long enough to read people's expression. I know you don't love Eric. For whatever reason it may be, I will still invest in Luna Enterprise so you don't have to feel pressured into marrying Eric."

My mom's face immediately turned sour when Mr. Nam added, "with the condition that Mrs. Moon will hand over the company ownership to Moonbyul."

"What? Mr. Nam you've gone overboard this time. Who do you think you are dictating our company's ownership?" My mom finally snapped.

"I'm a decent human being who wouldn't take my own kids as pawn for business. I won't allow someone like you to take over my best friend's business."

"Excuse ME?! Someone like ME?! Mr. Nam, I am his wife and since his passing I've been raising 3 daughters all by myself while managing this company, I don't even remarry mind you! Also, you seem to have forgotten all the favour my husband has done for you."

"It is precisely why I am doing this – so his business doesn't go into ruins and his daughters grew up into happy fine ladies and not unhappy mannequin manipulated by their own mother."

"Hah! I am not continuing this conversation with you." My mom scoffed and turned to me, "Honey, let's go. There are better candidates for you out there than this ungrateful family and to think my husband went out of his way to save the Nam from bankruptcy."

As we were about to leave, Eric jolted up from his chair and pulled me away, "Moonbyul, come with me. You need to see this." I followed him to a room with mom's voice slowly distanced from us as she called out, "It's no use trying to win over Moonbyul. As much as I want you as my son-in-law, I cannot be in-law with such an ungrateful bastard."

"Eric, what's wrong? What did you want to show me?" I asked as soon as we enter a study room, slightly further away from the dining area where our parents can't hear us.

He lifted his phone, revealing a live video of the school festival where the live band and Mamamoo was performing. There is a big screen on the background of the stage that is now showing a live footage of a girl with a pink dye hair has both her hands tied up, hanging from the ceiling like a punching bag. Her face wasn't clearly visible because her hair was covering her face.

The captor who is none other than Ahn Bo-Hyun stood next to her and smiled menacingly as he greeted, 'Greetings, fellow RBW Students. Welcome to the annual festival. Please, allow me to present you an award-winning lewd movie of your beloved Professor streaming live now.'

I was enraged gritting my teeth and curling a vengeful fist as I continue watching, 'Moonbyul! Oh... Such a shame you are missing out on the fun. But don't you worry, you won't miss a single scene as this is all live baby! You are welcome to join us, that is, if you can find us. While we wait, I'm going to kill some time with you teacher here, right Professor?' he proceeds to grab her face forcing it to face him and he licks her cheeks upwards while she cries in disgust struggling to repel away from him.

He ended the message by saying, 'Don't take too long, Moonbyul. I have no patience and I promise you I'd do more than just that! Tick tock, Moonbyul. Tick. Tock.'

I bolted out of the room with Eric following behind me. Mom saw us approaching as she crossed her arms, "It's about time. Let's go home."

"No, I'm not going home with you. I have to go-"

"No, now you listen to me young lady, you are not going to University nor the police for that matter."

"Wait... Mom... How did you know?" I looked at her in horror as her eyes widened in realisation that she has given herself away, "Mom. Answer me. How did you know where I am heading to?"

"I-I'm your mom of course I know you, dear." She avoids eye contact. Lies.

"Mom. Tell me you didn't know all of this will happen." My eyes start to tear up, "Please, tell me you are not involved in this."

"No, not this time!"

"Not this time? Was there other time? Oh no... Mom please don't tell me you-"

"Da Hee was just a phase, I only wanted to scare her I never intended for her to die."

I stepped back in shock, shaking my head in disbelief, I don't even recognise her anymore. Is this inhumane woman the same person who gave me life? This woman, who caused an innocent girl, my first love, to die, just because she thinks I'm going through a phase.

She nervously reaches out to my hand but I slapped it away as tears trickle down in anguish and disappointment. She tried to assure me, "Honey, I promise everything I do, I do it for you. I was told that if I keep you away from the Professor, he will not bother you anymore."

"You murderer...! What has Da Hee or Solar ever do to you?" I yelled.

"Watch your manners now, young lady. That's no way to speak to your mother." She has no sense of remorse in her tone and facial expression.

"I don't even know you anymore." I said as I walked past her and she shouted angrily, "If you go after her now, you are no daughter of mine." I bit my lips and took a deep breath before saying something I know would hurt her.

"So be it. Because if I let innocent people die just so I could live, I don't think I'd be able to face dad in the afterlife for tarnishing the Moon reputation." With that, I walked off but Mr. Kim stopped me to enquire about my situation. Eric walked over to explain everything, now leaving his parents in shock that their dear niece is in grave danger.

Mr. Kim handed Eric his car keys and said to me, "It's going to be dangerous but knowing you're a Moon, you'd never let me stop you." He then turns to Eric with a serious look, "Son, I want you to drive Moonbyul to the police while I pull some strings to get more manpower to narrow down our search."

Eric nodded and looked at my mom briefly who was facing away from us, then he looked at me, "Let's go, Moonbyul. Solar noona must be suffering right now." With that, we left the Nam Residence.

(End of Chapter 36) 


Thanks for reading and supporting this story by voting. Please forgive me for the late upload as always. Take care <3 Love ya'll.

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