Chapter 25

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-   Flashback   -




"Freeze!" A group of 5 bullies who were throwing stones at a kitten after they placed a brick on top of it to hold it down, stopped to turn their back when a cute shrieking voice emerged behind them. They saw a silhouette of a short hair girl running towards them, push them aside to reveal the haggard kitten letting out a soft meow.

Wheein clenches her fist, then stretches both her hands out facing them to defend the kitten while yelling out, "How dare you! This is animal abuse! My daddy is a police, he will arrest all of you!"

"Your dad is a police? Big deal! Come arrest me!" the bully sticks his tongue out before he proceeds to push Wheein to the ground. Wheein looks up and realises these group of boys are almost twice her size, she bit her lips to fight her tears as she feels intimidated but manage to get up on her own.

Two other kids remove her backpack and toss it around as she attempts to catch it in between, laughing at her vain attempt.

"What's wrong? Aren't you gonna ask your daddy for help? Hahaha!" Wheein whose chasing after her backpack being tossed around finally burst into tears asking them to give it back. One of the bullies caught it and attempts to throw it towards the kitten.

Wheein realises this and dash in front of the kitten, barely manage to defend it but she fell down wincing in pain when her backpack hits her instead. The other kids laugh at her and the same bully picks up her bag and intends to throw it towards her again as he gets into a pitching position, Wheein closes her eyes, hugging the kitten in her arms to protect it but the expected pain didn't come.

"Oi." A voice calls out. The bully stopped and turned their head, face turning pale.

"I-It's... Hyejin... Ya, she's bad news!" One of the bullies smack the one who's still holding onto Wheein's backpack, "I heard she beat up our middle school top bully in a few seconds."

Hwasa approach them with heavy footstep as they step back still clutching on Wheein's backpack until she points towards it, "Hand it over. Now." Which they surrendered immediately, "Leave." They screamed in fear and fled.

Wheein froze as Hwasa approach her next, she closed her eyes thinking she'll get beat up, but she felt a hand placed on her head patting it. She peeked and saw Hwasa smiling warmly towards her, "It's okay, I won't hurt you. Are you okay?"

Wheein nodded and looked at the injured cat, licking her hand and meowed weakly making her worried even more. Hwasa who understood the situation, picks up Wheein's bag and guided her to a vet in a hurry.

"What happened to the kitten? Are your parents with you?" The vet asked, carrying the weak kitten in her room after she found Hwasa and Wheein barge in panting and asking for help.

"No, but I'm in 5th grade. I'm a big girl now! Please save the kitten, don't worry about the money." Hwasa said confidently but Wheein couldn't believe this girl who is about the same height as the bullies is the same age as her... Or maybe she's just shorter.

The vet asked them to wait outside in the waiting room. Wheein still looks shaken, so Hwasa reach out to pat her shoulder assuring her that everything's going to be alright. Hwasa attempts to break the ice, showed Wheein a game that she has been playing and thrilled that she also plays the game. They exchanged their game ID but not their names and later discovered they have a lot of common interest. After a while, the vet opens the door to reveal the kitten all patched up and happy that made Wheein sigh in relief.

"What's the name of this kitten?" The vet asked.

Hwasa and Wheein looked at each other and Hwasa nodded smiling towards Wheein, prompting her that she gets to name the kitten that she rescued. Wheein seems to understand and her face lights up happily as she tells the vet, "Ggomo!"




-  End of Flashback   -

After the chat with Moonbyul suddenly came to an end, Hwasa logged off and shut her laptop loudly. Wheein flinched at it and felt guilt rushing through her mind. They became closer after that incident and it didn't take long for them to realise their puppy love for each other. Hwasa eventually asks her out and they even became in-game couple. They were overjoyed when the online game has a new update on a wedding system which Hwasa later proposes to get married in-game which Wheein didn't show up in the end.

"I'm sorry." Wheein said, breaking the silence.

"For?" Hwasa looks at her confused.

"Not showing up on our in-game wedding. That day I-" Hwasa cuts her off by pulling Wheein in her embrace, covering her mouth and shushed her, "Shhh... I don't care. It doesn't matter anymore as long as you are here with me now."

"You're not mad at me...?" Wheein asked, looking up from the hug.

"No, my silly pup. I was more worried than upset. I went to your house that night but found it completely empty." Wheein then dug her head back in to Hwasa's embrace and they stayed in that position for a while until Wheein notices a pamphlet on the table.

"What's that?" She pointed out and Hwasa released her hug to retrieve it for her to see.

"Oh that? It's a flyer for our annual school festival. I had to do it for Moonbyul after she is transferred to another school."

Wheein had a quick glance before her phone rings and she picked it up, still looking at the flyer, "Yong Hwa, did you have anything for me?"

"Ah! Superintendent Jung. Yes, about the passcode for Ggomo Residence. Someone has indeed changed it, but they didn't change it manually."

"What do you mean?"

"The CCTV footage around Ggomo Residence didn't show anyone approaching the door to change the passcode, so they could be hacking into the security system to change it. From what I remember your passcode used to be 1411, but the locksmith Moonbyul contacted gave me another passcode when he unlocks it."

"What is it?"


Wheein tighten her hold on the flyer, trembling and slightly crumpled the paper. Hwasa's look turns to worry at that sight, "What's wrong Wheein?" she asked.

"Hello? Superintendent Jung? Are you there?" Yong Hwa asked on the other line.

"Yes, I'm here. Thank you Yong Hwa, good work. We'll discuss about this first thing in the morning." Wheein replied and ended the call.

Hwasa places her hand on Wheein's arm, caressing it with her thumbs to calm her down, "Are you okay? You look tense." She asked. Wheein simply showed Hwasa the flyer which the latter tilt her head in confusion.

"The security system was previously hacked, changing the passcode." Wheein explains her concern.

"Uh huh. Go on." Hwasa listens to her patiently.

"It was 1411 then it was changed to 0619."

"Um... Your point is...?"

"Look at the flyer."

Hwasa squinted but couldn't see what her puppy is looking at which makes her sigh feeling hopeless, "Look at the date." Wheein resigns telling Hwasa the place to focus.

"June...19...Oh! 0619." Hwasa's eyes widened.

"Yes. The suspect may show up at your school festival. Someone has intentionally left us this clue and I don't know what their intention are either."

(End of Chapter 25)


Hi!!! I'm late for update yikes! Saddened by the news that Wheein is not renewing her contract with RBW but still promoting with Mamamoo until Dec 2023. I'm crying onions cats and dogs right here. Love you Wheepup no matter where you are. <3 (;'Д') <3

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