Chapter 42

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"Oi, move her to a chair, I don't want that old hag to have any reason to fuck around me if she gets hurt." Bo-Hyun ordered a few of his men to release Solar, now tying her to a chair while the pink hair lady from the video remained hanging by a rope.

"Sir... Please let Krystal go, I beg you." Amber knelt in front of him, "I did as you told, I even had to witness her getting hurt before my eyes, I've suffered enough. Please-"

The sound of a gun clicked, and he pointed towards Krystal's direction, "Shut your mouth, bitch. This is a little payback for betraying me. You've seen her suffer, so do you want to see her dead next?" Amber clenched her fist helplessly watch the girl swaying back and forth in pain.

"Mr. Ahn... Bo-Hyun, was it?" Solar asked cautiously while she was being tied to a chair, "Why me?"

"Why you? Why not?" he scoffed, "I was going to let the bus incident slide as a misfortune, I mean it's not a first time since I've fucked many of my competitor's loved ones – Just to see their faces fall into despair... But when I heard the name Moon Byul-Yi... daughter of Moon Hee-Kyung, my blood can't help but boil in wrath..."

"Competitor? What do you mean?"

"Think... Kim Yong Sun... Do you not remember me?"

"I... Oh! I remember you now... I-I'm here now, you've got what you wanted, right? So leave Moonbyul-"

"She deserves to die, alright?! When I realises she has developed feelings for you, I found my golden opportunity to make her go through the same suffering as I did. I will end things with my own hands... for all the pain she-" he stopped for a moment, clenching his fist tightly and punched a wall next to her which made her wince in fear.

As she opened her eyes, she was shocked to see he had punched a bulletin of pictures, among them are Wheein's late father Jung Joon-Ho with a red cross marked on his photo, and many more familiar figures as he explained, "No, for all these fuckers who caused my sufferings 2 years ago..."




(2 years ago)

Screeching and reels of chairs that were shifting around the room finally settled down as the board members of Ahn Construction and Development Company (ACDC) have all gathered in a conference room to decide the next Chairman after Ahn Jae-Mo's time of service.

Due to his promising profits over the years, he had always been the board's long-running favourite Chairman until – the uprising protests and employees going on strike for underpaid wages. Society have started to boycott in engaging ACDC to develop any property even on a wasteland, eventually taking a toll on their profits. The mic had a subtle screech as the speaker tapped on it to make sure its functional and thus, the speaker began the opening statement:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for travelling all across the countries to gather here at our humble land for an election meeting to decide the next Chairman to lead ACDC."

"Hah... Cut the crap. I'm not electing Ahn Jae-Mo, end of story." One of the board members spoke up, leading to a series of jeering one after the other.

"Yea! Say no to Jae-Mo!"

"No more Mo!"

With a single fist, Jae-Mo angrily punched the table, creating a visible dent on the table, causing the ruckus to cease as he spoke, "Shut up. When there were profits all of you licked my boots desperate to get even one single unit share of ACDC. Now that there's a slight disturbance you needed a scapegoat to blame – Me!"

Some throats were cleared, but one still managed to rebut, "Your job is to utilise our money we invested and turn it into profits, not loss."

"Haven't you all been reaping millions, huh?! Did you think I pocket the underpaid wages? ALL OF YOU FUCKERS DID! You're all equally guilty, you low lives!" He lashed out.

"Mr. Ahn Jae-Mo, please watch your language and manners. While you were a gangster, many of us here came from a prestigious background. Unfortunately for you, I represent the Lee Lawyers & Co. and I promise you, I can easily take your statement against you." A fine young lady firmly attests, seated elegantly behind a desk with a name plate like everyone else that says 'Lee Da Hee'.

Jae-Mo who finally realised he's walking on a landmine, quietly sat down like a tamed tiger. The speaker resumed, "We will have 2 elections today, the first one is the dismissal of Chairman Ahn Jae-Mo and the other one is the nomination of the next Chairman..."

At the end of the first round of voting, it was no brainer that everyone will vote for his dismissal. Before the second round of voting began, Jae-Mo held Bo-Hyun's wrist next to him and mumbled, "Son, this is your time to shine." Bo-Hyun looked at his father anxiously, feeling the burden weighing him down, but those weights were added even more when his dad emphasised, "Don't screw this up, or else." Before shutting the doors to the conference room one last time, completely sealing his son's fate.

(End of Chapter 42)

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