Chapter 35

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We drove through the bulky gate that automatically opens as soon as we approach Nam Residence. As usual, mom made me wear a princess worthy glamorous dress and hired a make-up artist, dolling me up to look 'presentable' to the Nam family. To me, I felt more like a mannequin display from a clothing store ready to 'sell' myself.

As our car pull up at the entrance of their mansion, a butler opened the door for my mom while I quickly swing open the adjacent door before anyone does the same to me. The other butler noticed and hurried over to me, but I waved to decline with a smile assuring him, "I'm fine, thank you."

He nodded and bowed then directed me inside. Greeted by rows of maids and butlers who bowed as we walk past them, our grand entrance felt like a presence of royal family. A woman was busy directing the chef to fill the dining table with extravagant food that I've never seen before. As soon as we approach, she claps her hands in excitement and galloped towards us, embracing my mom, "Omo!!! You made it! Welcome, welcome!"

They exchanged small greeting before she turns her attention towards me, "And you must be... Byul-yi? Aigoo, you are so pretty like your mom."

"Oh don't be silly, Mrs. Nam. Eric has all the best traits from you and he is charming like his father too!" My mom returns the compliment, I feel utterly disgusted but forced a smile and bowed to greet her. Can't say I like Mrs. Nam either, she emitted the same vibe as my mom – materiality. Power, status, reputation, wealth means the world to them.

Soon, Eric makes his way downstairs while he buttons his cufflinks. He approached us and greeted my mom, "Good evening, Mrs. Moon. It's a pleasure to have you here and you too, Moonbyul... You look beautiful." He smiles then walks over to me whispering, 'though Wendy would look much better in it.'

'Oh I'd LOVE to gift this to her. PLEASE.' I ventriloquist behind my gritting teeth forcing a smile. Eric simply chuckles, 'ah... being forced I see.' Could see from the corner of my eyes both our moms are whispering and giggling with each other, shipping us together. 'Oh, we're a ship alright, a Titanic that I will definitely sink for sure, mom.'

At that moment Mr. Nam arrived home, so we proceed to dinner. The Nam household really looks exquisitely impressive, from the chandelier glimmering above us to the details of utensils for every dishes.

"Help yourself dearie, is the food not to your liking?" Mrs. Nam asked. Eric who sat next to me looks at my facial expression and understood that I have difficulties telling apart between a butter knife and a steak knife, 'Just follow my actions.' He instructed and with that I learnt table etiquette as I eat. I'm confident that I'll definitely get indigestion after this.

"Eek! Did you see that hon? Our son is teaching Byul-yi how to dine, they look so cute together won't you agree?" Mrs. Nam shrieked like a fangirl while Mr. Nam cleared his throat before he continues chewing on his steak, completely brushes her questions off.

She attempted the second time by adding more fuel, "Byul-yi, you are so lucky! Eric here has undergone various training you see, from table manners to foreign languages. Since y'know, he's the heir of the Nam Neurologist group after all. So you don't have to worry about all these, he will teach you everything as his Mrs.Na-"

"ENOUGH!" Mr. Nam startled everyone when he slammed his utensils down and yelled at his wife, "For someone who brags a lot about table manners, you sure do have a lot to talk about during mealtime. Now why don't you practice what you preach and eat in silence! I swear, you are making Eric's table etiquette certificate look cheap right now."

I was laughing internally, 'Yea! One point for Mr. Nam, zero-point Mrs. Nam. Sucker!' Embarrassment is evident in her face when she put her heads down and obeyed her husband. Just when I thought Mr. Nam has extinguished the fire, my mom added more fuel to the diminishing flame by commenting, "Mr. Nam, you don't have to be too hard on Mrs. Nam, she is just stating facts."

Mrs. Nam shook her head lightly but frantically, signalling mom to stop talking. Mr. Nam glanced mom for a while before he puts down his utensils once again but this time, gently. Suddenly, he laughs hysterically as if he had heard the best joke of the year and then his face turns serious crossing his fingers together revealing a low volume but stern voice, "Oh... Wow... Mrs. Moon, are you perhaps... teaching me how to be a husband to my wife?"

The whole dining hall was caught up in a suffocated tension, then Mr. Nam smiles menacingly said, "Pardon me for saying this, but you seem to have forgotten your place, Mrs. Moon. I'd hate to say some things I wouldn't normally say to a widow."

My mom gulps loud enough for me to hear and I didn't even dare to look at him in the eyes. I must say I'm impressed that Eric could remain his composure and eat in amidst this tension. Mr. Nam gradually lifted his utensils and resumed to cut his steak and we ate in silence.

(End of Chapter 35)


How are my lovely readers doing? I hope everyone is fine, happy and healthy. It's most important! I have some good news:

1. Diagnosed my mental health, currently medicated and on my merry journey to recovery! Yay! I won't give up! Let's go ME! ٩(˃̶͈̀˂̶͈́)و (sthap talking to yourself... okay.) ('-ω-')

2. I have an idea and plot in mind for the second MoonSun novel, but if you have any request or suggestions please please please, leave a comment or DM me if you shy~

Thank you for supporting this chapter by voting <3 Love ya'll <3 Take care!

P.S. Thank you @readermars7 and all of you who support this story, you made a difference because you made my day. :) Cheers!

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