part. 1

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This is hell!! Fuck i am not okay and i don't want to pretend i am . i am currently standing in the hallway of uni watching my ex and bestfriend making out like there is no tomorrow.

I decided to ignore them but too hard since they are making out right beside my locker. tears started to form in my eyes and i hate it, why am i so weak and vulnerable when it comes to him, why i still love him when he cheated on me with my bestfriend. No what sucks the most is that my bestfriend stella whom i thought as my own sister was hooking up with my boyfriend behind my back. The pain i felt that moment when i found out...

It's been two weeks since i caught my ex-boyfriend and ex-bestfriend having sex at a party  our classmate conducted. Even though i convinced myself that i am better without him I couldn't help the sting in my heart whenever i see them together.

I turned away when i saw mark noticed me staring at them, i saw him smirk and continue with whatever he was doing.  I decided to suck it up and went to my locker and took out whatever i wanted and went to my class. I heard him saying some sweet shit to his so called girlfriend, but i know he said it so that i will hear it . This is why i hate them , they don't even feel guilty about what they have done but still they go around hurting me whenever they could. Just why......

I let out a sigh not wanting to cry here. There is no point in crying anyway he doesn't worth it. I spent this whole 2 week feeling like a total shit and i am not gonna continue it. Like hell i could do that easily. I just wish i never met them. Everything sucks and i feel so done with my life.

"Hey f*g where you going ?" Jake one of the bully stood infront of me smirking

"Jake please i am not in a good mood" i said too tired to do shit about his egoistic ass

"Awww...i forgot babyboy is heartbroken" jake said pouting clearly mocking me . I felt my temper raising but didn't want to make a scene.

It's not that i can't stand up for myself  i can simply beat his ass like nothing. But i don't want to cause a scene and get on teacher's bad side. I would more than like to get a scholarship and pass out from here. And if i am gonna beat all the bullies ass that would be the end of my scholarship dream. So these pricks thought i am weak and vulnerable and started to pick on me. Me being the patient guy forgave them but i have my limit.

"Look here jake, i didn't get any sleep because of the tons of assignment i had. And i am not in a good mood to deal with your shit so go show off your dominance to someone else. I am off bye" i didn't turn around and speed walk to my class, i heard jake's friends making fun of him and he cursing at me , i know i have to deal with that later.

I reached my class and went yo sit on my seat which is situated in the back of the class.  Few minutes later i saw  mark and stella entering the class his arms snaked around her waist. i loved it when he do that to me.....

No jungkook don't. I warned myself from thinking back on those worthless yet happiest days of my life. Why things have to turn out this way.

"Good morning class " the professor enetered the class and the students went to their seats ,

"Today is the last day of turning in your assignment and i hope you guys remeber that " the whole class started to groan. This guy have to ruin our mood  right after rntering the class huh.

"Excuse me sir!" I heard a deep voice coming from the outside of the class i look up from my book to see a unfamiliar face standing there .

"Yes?" The professor told him to come in he hand over a paper and after reading the paper the professor smiled.

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