Part. 26

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The room was silent. No one was making any noise Not even the sound of breathing could be heard. Everyone was standing in anticipation hoping to get the result as soon as possible.

After the beta came and told them about the news of jimin everyone along with yoona had rushed to the hospital where jimin was admitted. The beta had said that some of the guard found jimin's unconscious body near the border of the pack and the way his neck was turning slowly black indicated that he had been poisoned. The guard rushed him to the hospital and then reported it to the beta later. 

The doctor said that apparently jimin had poisoned with a rare liquid which was called arsenic. It was mixed with wolfsbane making the effect worse. he has been in coma for eight hours and is yet to wake up. Everyone was scared and refused to leave the hospital untill they got the information that he was perfectly alright.

To say jungkook was scared would be understatement. He felt beyond terrified. Jimin was his bestfriend and he couldn't lose him no matter what. He looked to his right to see Taehyung sitting next to him with his hand clasped together and his legs were bouncing anxiously. Jungkook knew if he was this scared then what Taehyung feeling would be even more worse. Jimin was his one and only bestfriend since birth. So to lose him would be losing a part of him.

Jungkook wanted to comfort his mate so bad but he wasn't in that mental state either. But still he wrapped one of his hand around Taehyung and pushed him against his chest patting his head. He placed a soft kiss on his head and heard him sigh. 

Everyone was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital expecting the doctor to get off the room jimin was in and tell them some good news. 

After a while the doctor came out making everyone get up from where they were sitting and ran to him. But the way the doctor was looking apologetic made jungkook halt in his step and dread filled his heart.

"Doctor how is jimin doing?" Yoona asked desperately with worry filled voice Pain and tiredness was evident in her eyes yet she refused to rest untill her baby was alright. joengin held yoona in his arm and squeezed her shoulder and looked at the doctor expectantly. 

"I apologise alpha. We tried our best but...." the doctor trailed off resulting a painful sob to erupt from yoona. She clinged to her mate and sobbed in his chest.

"We can't still decide his condition. He is yet to overcome danger. His wolf is trying its best to heal him and we are providing him with every medicine we have too. But the poison in his body is too strong and too much amount of it has gotten in his system. His wolf is getting weaker as it put all its strength on healing him and he is slowly healing but a great amount of time and energy is needed for the poison to fully get off his system. We are trying everything we could alpha but I can't make any promises" by the time the doctor finished explaining jungkook was clutching Taehyung's shirt while not knowing whether to comfort his mate or find comfort in him. He cried in his mate's chest nonetheless Taehyung too hugging him back tight. And the way yoona was sobbing uncontrollably wasn't helping either.

The doctor looked at the alpha family and walked away in guilt and helplessness. Inside the room surrounded by various machine laid jimin with many wires attached to his body. He was fighting hard for his life atleast his wolf was. His smooth skin had turned paler than usual while his lips were now chapped. He looked almost lifeless. The machine indicating his heart rate started to slow down bit by bit. The nurse that was inspecting him had tears in her eyes silently praying that the poor soul would survive. 

Would he truly be able to survive this......



it's me again!! 

An excuse of a chapter... I know! 

Well as I said my exams and all are coming up and yeah I might not be able to update for a while and I deeply apologise for that. I will try my best to update on the time I get but no promises.

So please bear with me! I once again deeply apologise for this....


untill I update again...

Bye bye sweety! you mean a lot to me.


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