Part. 10

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Double update today!!

It's been few days since taehyung's confession. Neither taehyung nor jungkook contacted eachother after that day. 

Taehyung didn't come to class for these past days and jungkook didn't know whether to be relieved or worried. 

He didn't approached jimin either 'cause he couldn't face the short male. 

For these past days jungkook has been feeling so down. He tried. He tried to process the information taehyung shared he tried to accept the truth that was proven by taehyung so hard but it was a hard pill to swallow. 

For the love of god he didn't even know the existence of warewolf and now he is the mate of one. And a luna of a pack too!! Heck It is not as easy as it seems to accept it. 

Jungkook still wish taehyung would come up to him and say that it was all just a stupid prank and that he was just kidding. But he know! He knows that it was all truth. 

But deep down he was feeling a little giddy by thinking about the concept of mate. Having someone all to yourself and trusting them with everything you have, it is amazing just by thinking about it. It maybe the bond playing trick on him, making him feel this way.

Jungkook stroll down the empty corridor to his class room which was located in the far left corner . 

He was late for class today but he could care less. He couldn't even get a good comfortable sleep for the past few days. 

He was about to reach his class room but he stopped in his track when he saw jimin standing few feets away him. 

He would've ran to him and hugged the male if it was before but now that things happen he stood still on his ground and looked at jimin.

"Hey kook" jimin said softly taking few steps towards jungkook. He tried hugging the taller male but stopped himself when he saw jungkook's tense frame. 

"Hey jimin" jungkook said in a timid voice making jimin sigh. 

"Can we talk please" jimin said in a soft voice making jungkook unable to refuse the male even though he was feeling kinda uncomfortable.  

Both males walked towards the table that was situated on the far corner of the ground under the oak tree. 

Jimin sat opposite of jungkook and started to observe the male. It was obvious that jungkook hasn't been sleeping properly. And he seem really tired.

"What is it jimin?" Jungkook asked after a while of silence between them. 

"How are you doing lately? It's been some days since we last talked"

"I am doing good" 



"If you don't have anything to say can I go? I have classes y'know" jungkook said getting annoyed when jimin just sat there staring at him without saying anything. 

"we are still us y'know" jimin said after a short while making jungkook look at jimin confused. 

"I mean.. yeah we are not really humans but that doesn't mean we lied to you completely.  I am still the jimin you know before so is taehyung. I understand that it is really hard for you to believe and accept us but truth can't be changed jungkook. even though wolfs are predetors in nature, us warewolfs are well disciplined and we live by rule too. We never hurt people unless they hurt us. So you don't really have to be scared of us, atleast not of me and taehyung. We are still creatures with heart and feelings. We both love you and cherish you and that doesn't change because who we are. I love you jungkook as a friend and I still want to continue to be your friend" 

Jimin paused for a moment looking at jungkook who was looking at his hands which are folded together infornt of him on the table. After not getting any response he continued

"And about tae." On the mentioning of taehyung jungkook immediately looked up.

"He is restless jungkook. I don't know whether you know or not but a mate can be a really sensitive topic for a warewolf. To him a mate is everything. It is the other half of a wolf. And taehyung, he have been waiting for his mate even before turning eighteen. He always dreamt of having a moment with you. I am not forcing you to accept him jungkook but I don't want you to take haste decisions. he is giving you space right now cause he know you are not ready to face him but that, in truth, is torturing him. He can't stay far from you for a long time yet he is trying his best to force himself to stay. I don't want to rush you yet it seems like I don't have a choice. All I can do is beg you to accept us and I promise you we won't ever hurt you " jimin took a long breath after the half an hour speech he just gave. 

"I came here to talk and since I am done talking I will no longer disturb you. Bye kook" ·jimin said and stood up from the table. 

"Chim" Jungkook called making jimin stand dead on the track. He turn around to see jungkook looking at him with a small smile on his face. 

"I will try" he said softly making jimin smile so widely that his cheek hurt. 

That's all that he wanted to hear. Jungkook obviously needed time to accept things and jimin respects that. But the given situation and time limit jimin didn't had a choice but to talk in hope of things working out.

And upon hearing jungkook will atleast try to accept it jimin knew all it need is a little push and everything will fall in place  

Now all he have to do is drag his weeping bestfriend's ass out of bed and connect this two together. And he believes that the power of mate bond is enough for both of them to accept eachother. 

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