part. 18

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Once the night fall the nature starts to sleep. It was silent and dark but jungkook was wide awake. Then only did he realise the weight of his situation. 

He was laying on his mate, his head on Taehyung's chest silently listening to his heartbeat. Right, his mate. He have a mate now. And he is a warewolf. Not a human like he thought for all these years but a warewolf. He didn't even knew such creatures existed untill he knew he is one Of them.

And thats not all. He got his mate his wolf and now he know he had a family. Right, HAD a family. Jungkook felt a bitterness swirl through him for that thought. Who was even that man? He had no idea. Was he his only family? Or does he have a family out there looking for him or thinks that he is dead? What even happened that night? Who hurted that man. Was that man his father? 

Jungkook had many questions in his head and a lot of possibilities. Every possible scenarios were dancing through his mind. Some terrible some tolerable,  but still he couldn't shake of the ache that was itching his heart. Jungkook felt tears starting to fell from his eyes. He sniffed quietly not wanting to disturb his mate.

Is his family really out there? I mean jungkook loved sofie yes. He loved her to death. She was the one who was with him through ups and downs. She took care of him and sheltered him. She is his family. 

But he couldn't erase the possibility of having a  family out there. Family connected by blood. A family of warewolfs. Does he have siblings? Does he have cousins and all? Is his father alive? What about his mother? He have seen his mother through his dream. Does that mean she is....

No that couldn't be it. She could be trying to communicate with him to find him or something. Yeah she must be alive for that right?

Jungkook heaved a sigh Quietly. It was all drowning on him now. What was he even suppose to do? His wolf seem like it disappeared after talking to him 2 days ago and he don't know how to call out to him yet.

Jungkook stilled for a moment when he felt his mate moving under him. He heard him grumble and mumble something incoherent In his sleep. 

Taehyung nuzzled his nose in jungkook's hair and inhaled softly Sighing and going back to sleep. Jungkook smiled unconsciously by watching his mate falling back asleep peacefully. Well no matter whatever happens atleast he has his mate with him. He lifted his head a little and peck taehyung's lips.

Gosh I love him 

Jungkook thought smiling softly but froze when he realise what he said. Wait did he.... did he confessed that he loves taehyung? Yes he did. 

He do love taehyung. He is an amazing person and the sweetest mate. it wasn't that hard for jungkook to fall in love with him.

He felt warmth spreading his chest. He smiled softly lifting his hands to rub the side of his mate's face. 

"It's rude to stare at a sleeping person y'know" Taehyung said eyes still closed. Jungkook's smile widened his hands still caressing his taehyung's face.

"Did I wake you?" Jungkook asked softly to which taehyung shook his head.

"Why are you still awake?" He asked back leaning in to the warmth of jungkook's hand.

"Couldn't sleep" jungkook answered simply.

"What are you thinking about now?" taehyung asked softly moving a little bit closer to jungkook and put one of his hand on jungkook's hair slowly rubbing it. 

Jungkook closed his eyes and sighed at how good the touch felt. He reopened his eyes looking at taehyung's. His eyes kept darting from his eyes to lips and back to eyes.

ETERNAL LOVE || TAEKOOK FF || WAREWOLF AUWhere stories live. Discover now