Part. 32

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The path was narrow and dark. They all walked together,  the alpha leading the way. He walked with rigid steps as usual and his face was looking serious, the usual softness in his eyes had disappeared. 

They all walked for a while before they reached infront of a big door. The door was made of wood and it was decorated with a strange carvings. The alpha took a deep breath before he stepped forward and touched the carvings on the door.

He caressed the carvings in a certain pattern and suddenly the door started to glow emitting a blue light. And before they could comprehend what is happening the door had opened widely revealing a much bigger room.

The room was platinum colored and it looked so strange almost out of the world. Jungkook looked around in amazement. He walked along with the rest looking around the room with wide opened mouth. He saw a strange glow coming from the center of the room. As they near the centre they saw an orange coloured crystal floating in the air. A strange light surrounding the crystal giving it an illusion of holding it down from floating away.

Jungkook was mesmerized by the beauty infront of him. He looked to his left and saw his mate looking as mesmerized as him. He looked at the alpha who was looking back at him.

"Is this......" Taehyung trailed off looking at his father.

"The crystal of exausia" He said in a quite voice.

"What?" Jungkook asked confused not knowing what's going on.

"You asked why we killed them didn't you? This. This is the reason why we had to kill them all." He said pointing at the crystal that was shining. 

"This is the crystal of exausia. The rogues had been chasing it for years now. There is a history behind it. A long long ago.............."

More than a hundred years ago the farmers of a village in the northwest region had found a strange glowing 'stone' that was laying on the mud. They took it and inspect it. They couldn't find what the stone was. Hence they gave it to the priests and they told them it was a special kind of stone that the god had sent them and started to worship it. They placed it in the church and worship it like a gift from god. They started to drink the water the stone was dipped in and they placed the stone on the head of each worshippers. 

As weeks and months pass by a warewolf just so happen to pass by the village. He had heard about the stone and went to inspect it. As he saw the stone he was strangely fascinated by the stone and it's shining aura. He had returned to his pack and informed his alpha about the stone. The alpha of the pack named jinwoo who was the strangest wolf that time was interested and decided to go see it himself. The stone was emitting a familiar aura and he too was fascinated by it. He went back to his pack and decided to study about the stone. He had studies scrolls and books that was written in ancient times. He searched and searched and finally he came across a scroll mentioning the same stone.

The scroll had a picture of a beautiful crystal that was glowing orange. The crystal was called the crystal of exausia and it was a part of the crown of the moon goddess herself.

The crown of the moongoddess had four crystal. Crystal of exausia mudrost eidos and elenchos. The crystal exausia is the sign of power. It is the most powerful crystal of them all. And the alpha had believed that whoever have that crystal would be powerful, untouchable. He had informed his beloved beta about this information. And he was taking precautions to protect the crystal as he didn't wanted it to end up in the hands of evil.

But his beta was faster than him. He had betrayed his alpha in thirst of power he had stollen the crystal from the priests. He took it with him and declared that he is the strongest. But the little problem was that he didn't knew how the crystal worked. 

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